Question Affirmation Rant #1 | Being Alone

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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What if being alone could feel wonderful?
What if being alone didn’t mean what I think it means?
What is it like to be with myself in such a way that I could never be lonely?
What amazing discoveries are possible as I learn how to be comfortable being alone with myself?
What have I been avoiding about myself that could actually be my superpower?
What if when I spend time alone with myself I actually discover this superpower?
Does my ability to be alone with myself hold gems I never knew existed?
What goodies can come my way as I embody my authentic true self?
Can I fall easily and madly in love with me enough that being with myself is pleasurable?
What love is naturally available when I spend time alone with myself?
Am I willing to receive my own divine aloneness?
What is so amazing about me that I would totally miss out on receiving if I didn’t know how to be alone with myself?
What gift do I get to give myself and the world when I am finally at peace with being alone?
What does it look like to be my own best friend?
What kinds of things would I do as I step into being my own best friend?
How might all my relationships blossom just by me getting comfortable being alone?
What feelings are asking to be loved when I'm alone that, as I do, changes everything?
What space can I be in that will allow for a simple breakthrough in my ability to spend time alone with myself?
What stories can I unwind effortlessly as I continue to gift myself with alone time?
What is here for me to receive in my alone time?
What question can I ask about being alone that would allow for the greatest movement forward?
How simple, easy, and fun could it be to shift into loving to be alone with myself?
What if being alone doesn’t have to mean anything?
How wonderful might spending time with me actually be?
What depth of relationship can I have with myself that would allow for the time I spend with others to be abundant, deeply fulfilling, and extra?
What is the next right action that would help me move forward easily while dealing with aloneness?
What if everything is “right” with me?
What if I could love being with myself in this present moment?
What if being with myself could be a grand fulfilling adventure?

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