Question Affirmation Rant #3 | My Body

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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What message is my body trying to give me that, if I listened, would change everything?
What amazingness is my body actually capable of?
What is the healing and wholeness capacity of my body?
How healthy and alive can I feel consistently?
What will it take for me to move in harmony with my body in my daily life?
How effortless can it be to love my body exactly the way it is?
What is beautiful, amazing, and altogether dynamic about my body?
Is it possible for me to love the things I have judged about my body?
What joy is possible to experience in this body?
What connection is possible for me to have and enjoy with this body?
What magic is possible for my life as I learn to listen to my body’s innate wisdom?
What food does my body truly want and need, and what will it take for me to effortlessly and deeply nourish it?
Can I step into a deep relationship with my body that is filled with respect and honesty?
What amazing support can I give my body?
How energized can my body feel right now?
What is possible with and for me and my body that I haven’t even known was possible?
What nutrients are optimal for my body's greatest health and well-being, and how might I receive them easily?
What stories and mindsets could effortlessly unwind within me that would allow me to be fully awake in my body?
What if there is nothing “wrong” with my body, and it is perfect just the way it is?
How might I truly honor the being that my body is?
What is the optimal health of my physical body? How might I embody that level of health?
Could my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies become coherent and work seamlessly together?
What part of my body needs my love in this moment? How easily can I give love to it?
How might I know and embrace the magic of my body more fully?
Is it possible for my body to trust me to take care of it?
What kind of movement does my body love the most? How can I love giving this movement to it?
What is my body’s natural way of being aware? What is it aware of in this moment?
What do I feel inside my body? Can I honor whatever shows up?
How magical could it be to live in this body?
What magic is my body capable of that I may not be aware of yet?
What will it take for me to see and embrace the whole truth about my body instead of just some of it?

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