Question Affirmation Rant #6 Moving Beyond Stuck

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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What will it take to see and embrace the whole truth instead of a partial truth about myself and this situation?
What is it I’m trying to understand about myself?
What shift am I trying to get myself to have? could that happen right away?
What do I need to know about myself in this moment that would allow a breakthrough?
What is the best action I can take that would help move me forward?
What is asking for my presence that, if I gave it presence, would allow a beautiful shift?
What is asking to come through me?
What if I don’t have to be perfect to have a truly fabulous life?
What space can I relax, rest, and open up to that would allow for the greatest movement forward?
Which of my gifts can I activate in this moment in order to experience flow in my life?
What flow is already here that I may not be aware of?
How might I honor this experience and, by doing so, see and experience everything differently?
What can I be grateful for in this moment?
What story am I believing that isn’t true that can unwind right away?
What awareness can I have that will assist me in seeing more clearly?
How might I love myself in this moment more fully?
What gift is this present moment bestowing? What will it take for me to receive it?
What expectations can I let go of so that my manifestations can actualize a bit easier?
What emotions are asking to be felt and honored?
What joy is possible for me in this moment?
What support is available for me that I haven’t been aware of? How might I be aware of it enough to utilize it to bless my life?
How much clarity can I have in this moment?
What will it take for me to shift beyond all stories that I hold myself, hostage, with?
What if what looks real about my issues, isn’t, and something greater can actualize right away?
What superpower can I tap into that would allow for a leap forward into ease and flow?
Who am I truly? Who am i Beyond my stories of limitation? What will it take for me to be willing to see this and be this?
What am I choosing that isn’t serving me and what can I choose that would actually serve me in a truly fabulous way?
What is asking to be surrendered in this moment? How might I surrender this with grace and ease?
What is asking to be loved in this moment? What is the best way for me to love this?
Does magic actually exist, and if so, can I be aware of it enough to allow it to show up in my life?
What is the truth of my power? What power do I have access to in this moment?
What is here for me to claim that if I did, would transform everything?
What solutions are available I haven’t thought of yet?
What aspect of my sovereignty over life can I claim that would allow for the greatest movement in this moment?

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