FLOUR and SPINACH. Healthy breakfast bread that will surprise you.

1 year ago

Lean pancakes are a great alternative to bread. Flat cakes are kneaded on water and flour, you can diversify their taste by adding a variety of spices, spices and spinach to the dough. Cooking them is very quick and easy.
Today I propose to cook lean tortilla in a pan according to the Roti recipe. Roti is an Indian unleavened bread made from wheat flour, which is round, flat tortilla. The Indian recipe for lean flatbread is very simple. They are made from soft dough, from which small balls are first formed, which are then thinly rolled into cakes and baked in a dry special cast-iron frying pan. Instead, of course, you can cook roti in an ordinary pan, even in Teflon. The flour from which roti is made is called atta, but I have never seen it on sale, so feel free to change it to wholemeal flour or with bran, well, or ordinary wheat flour.

60 g spinach
450 ml warm water
5 g salt
20 ml vegetable oil
300 - 350 g flour

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