Carson Briere & Mercyhurst University

1 year ago

Roman Catholicism and Jesuitism is the plague of nations.

Revelation 18:3 KJV: For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

All Roads Lead to Rome.


Side note,
*Just watch as nothing comes of the criminal charges and the guilty parties are allowed to walk free of any punishment(s). Why? Well the Jesuit controlled media will tell you it's because they are "elitists", and will never mention the reality of the Briere family being Jesuit controlled Catholics.

"She says not just Briere, but the other students as well, seemed to show no remorse.
"They just thought it was so funny, thought it was hilarious," she said. "There was a girl with them, she thought it was funny. They were denying it."


Carson Briere
St. Augustine Preparatory School
Brière's son Carson was removed from the Arizona State SUN DEVILS men's ice hockey team in 2019 during his freshman year for violating team rules.


Sullivan's Pub and Eatery in Erie, Pennsylvania
"Sullivan" is a Roman Catholic name of Irish origin. Together, the surnames names Sullivan and O'Sullivan are the third-most frequently found names in Ireland.


NHL Hockey Stars = CATHOLIC Sex Perverts & Violent Offenders

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