How to Convey the Essence of the Creative Society Project to People?

1 year ago

How to convey the main goal, idea and essence of the Creative Society project to people? How to communicate with people easily and simply so that they understand us and do not pin labels on us? Why is it important to inform people about this project? Why is it important to know the opinion of more than half of the planet’s population: do they want to live in the Creative Society and do they need it? Why is it important to talk to people about this project in a language understandable to them?

Why is it important to explain to people the key goal of ALLATRA IPM? Is ALLATRA a religion? Is spiritual development a personal choice of every individual or a necessity for implementing the project of all humanity? Can we show the great advantage of the Creative Society by the example of interaction among the project participants?
Creative Society is one united family, a family named Humanity. A lot depends on each of us, so that the real universal human goal is implemented. Openness, honesty and truthfulness are very important for that. In order to implement the global project, people worldwide carry out many small projects that lead to the common goal. Every project and every step brings to life the large-scale project of Creative Society as a whole.

All conditions and opportunities are available for people’s unification! United we can!

Watch the full version of the video "Meeting of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov with Active Participants of ALLATRA IPM”, an excerpt from which is presented herein.

Meeting of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov with Active Participants of ALLATRA IPM:

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of | International online conference | March 20, 2021:

Join the Creative Society project:

Official website of ALLATRA TV International Volunteer Television:


#socialprojects #unity #ALLATRA

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