Root Chakra Meditation | 1 Hour Relaxation Music | Earth View #chakrahealing 🧘🌎

1 year ago

Welcome to our Root Chakra Meditation featuring 1 Hour of Relaxation Music with Earth View. This meditation is designed to help you balance your Root Chakra and promote healing, grounding, and inner peace. The Root Chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. When this chakra is balanced, it can bring a sense of security, stability, and physical well-being.

This meditation combines soothing music with guided meditation to help you connect with the energy of the Earth and your Root Chakra. You will be guided through a meditation that focuses on releasing negative energy and emotions while promoting a deep sense of relaxation and peace. The Earth View visuals will transport you to the natural beauty of the planet, helping you feel more grounded and connected to nature.

This meditation is perfect for anyone looking to reduce stress, calm their mind, and find inner peace. Whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this guided meditation will help you find balance and harmony in your life. Please don't forget to subscribe for more new videos from Ec(h)o Planet!!

1 Hour Root Chakra Meditation with Relaxation Music and Earth View

***Ec(h)o Planet***


Meditation (Dhyana in Sanskrit) is a contemplative ancient wellness practice, engaged in across various religious and spiritual traditions that focuses on training self-awareness, attention, mindfulness and compassion. The goal is to intensify personal and spiritual growth, in addition to calming the body and mind.

Some traditions such as Yoga and Zen teach the no-mind state as an ultimate objective, but also it is widely acknowledged that the practice of meditation itself involves thoughts as the cornerstone. When the mind becomes distracted, encourage yourself to come back to an object of concentration, such as the breath, a sound or an image.

Benefits of Meditation:
1. Reducing stress
2. Fight addiction
3. Pain Control
4. Train self-esteem and self-awareness
5. Improves concentration
6. Healing anxiety or depression
7. Improves altruistic behavior

Steps for Meditation:
1. Sit comfortably in your "safe" space with our music,
2. Focus your attention on your breathing or your body,
3. Let your mind wanders


The seven healing chakras (translate as "wheels" in Sanskrit) are the main free-flowing energy centers of the body. "Unblocking" the chakras happens when all of our chakras are open, energy can run through them freely, and harmony exists between the physical body, mind, and spirit.

Seven Healing Chakras:
1. Root chakra (Muladhara)
2. Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)
3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
4. Heart chakra (Anahata)
5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha)
6. Third eye chakra (Ajna)
7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

Useful Notes

*Ashok Chakra (depiction of the Dharmachakra): it appears on a number of edicts of Ashoka (like the Lion Capital of Ashoka) while you can find the Ashoka Chakra today at the centre of the Flag of India (since 22 July 1947), and in the Ashoka Chakra medal as the highest peacetime gallantry award. Ashok Chakra has 24 spokes that represents the twelve causal links in forward and then reverse order, taught by the Buddha and paṭiccasamuppāda (representing the dhamma) and depicting the 24 principles that should be present in a human. The first 12 spokes represent 12 stages of suffering. Next 12 spokes represent no cause no effect. So, due to awareness of mind, formation of mental conditioning stops. This process stops the process of birth and death i.e. nibbāna. It also depicts the “wheel of time” . The twelve causal links, paired with their corresponding symbols, are:

1. Avidyā: Ignorance
2. Asanskāra: Conditioning of mind unknowingly
3. Avijñāna: Not being conscious
4. Nāmarūpa: name and form (elements of mental and physical existence)
5. Ṣalāyatana: Six Senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind)
6. Sparśa: Contact
7. Vedanā: Sensation
8. Taṇhā: Thirst
9. Upādāna: Grasping
10. Bhava: Coming to be
11. Jāti: Birth
12. Jarāmaraṇa: Old age and death (corpse being carried)

*Sacred Ragnoli Chakra (sacred art known as Sri Chakra): A geometrical figure, with many intertwined triangles, considered as the symbolic representation of Goddess. Usually the Sri Chakra kolam is drawn elaborately, a lamp is lit, and then the sacred Lalitha Sahasranamam in which one thousand names of the Goddess is chanted. Common sacred rangoli is Hridaya Kamalam or Lotus Heart.

*Surya Chakra (symbolized by a tree inside two circles inside a lotus flower with eight petals): It has three regions, a vermilion sun region, within which is a white moon region, within which is a deep-red fire region. Within this is the red wish-fulfilling tree, kalpa vriksha, which symbolises the ability to manifest what one wishes. Interestingly, another way to manifest your desire is to do the Sankalpa Mudra.

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