Can You Naturally Reduce Migraines With Nutrition & Supplements? Here Are Research-backed Remedies!

1 year ago

My special guest speaker, Registered Dietician/Nutritionist Lynn Clayton, is the author of the research-backed book 'Overcoming Migraine'.

In this episode, we're diving into the science on how certain foods can be a root cause of migraines and headaches, and what supplements can be extremely useful for decreasing the frequency and severity migraines. Lynn shares her own experience with migraines and how she discovered her food triggers.


We discuss:

1. How food sensitivities and certain components in food could trigger migraine in those predisposed to migraine.
2. Surprising foods that could be triggering your migraines.
3. Why the Elimination Diet could be a powerful method to naturally decrease your migraines.
4. What supplements are useful for reducing the frequency of severity of migraines over time
5. What is the number one supplement for aborting a migraine just before it is about to begin (works just as well as medications!)
6. Important advice for people suffering with migraine who feels like they have tried everything

An excerpt of Lynn Clayton's book, Overcoming Migraine, can be found on Lynn's website’s resource page at

You can download the Migraine Prevention Plan for free at her website In the download, there’s a link to get a PDF copy of the resources listed in the book including supplements and doses used in research studies. Message from Lynn 'It’s fine to have the resources without the book, but he book helps explain the details of how to follow the prevention plan.

There is a blog article at about food and migraine.

Please share this episode with someone you care about who also wants root cause solutions to their health concerns so they can look, feel and BE their best!

😍 PS: Here's my gift to you! Download my free ebook 'Naturally rebalancing your hormones', full of easy to action strategies for immediate results.

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