Country with Lowest Electricity #Shorts

1 year ago

Access to electricity is a fundamental requirement for modern living, enabling people to power their homes, businesses, and communities. However, there are still many countries in the world where access to electricity is limited or non-existent. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the country with the lowest electricity access, and what can be done to address this pressing issue.

The country with the lowest access to electricity is South Sudan. According to the World Bank, only 4.5% of the population in South Sudan has access to electricity, making it the lowest in the world. This lack of electricity access has severe consequences for the country's development, health, and economic growth.

One of the main reasons for the low access to electricity in South Sudan is its history of conflict and political instability. Decades of civil war and political turmoil have left the country's infrastructure in shambles, making it difficult to build and maintain power infrastructure. The country also has a large rural population, which makes it challenging to connect people to the grid.

The lack of access to electricity in South Sudan has severe consequences for the country's development. Without electricity, people cannot power their homes, schools, and hospitals, which limits their ability to study, work, and access healthcare. It also hampers the country's economic growth, as businesses cannot operate effectively without access to reliable electricity.

To address this pressing issue, the government of South Sudan, with the support of international organizations, is working to expand access to electricity in the country. The government has developed a national electrification strategy, which aims to increase electricity access to 35% by 2024 and 100% by 2040. The strategy involves developing new power generation capacity, extending the grid to rural areas, and promoting off-grid solutions like solar and wind power.

International organizations like the World Bank and the African Development Bank are also supporting South Sudan's efforts to expand access to electricity. The World Bank, for example, is providing funding for the construction of new power infrastructure, while the African Development Bank is supporting the development of renewable energy solutions.

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