Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta testifies at 9/11 commission that VP Dick Cheney NEVER gave the shoot down order for the Pentagon attack

1 year ago

- The US Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta testifies at the 9/11 COMMISSION about Vice President Dick Cheney NOT giving the order to shoot down the plane as the plane on the radar got within 10 miles of the Pentagon (Cheney didn't give the order because he KNEW it was going to be a MISSILE that was planned to destroy one area of the Pentagon on September 11th 2001).
- Former US President Bill Clinton seems to remember a BOMB hit the Pentagon
- Video footage of a missile or bomb going off at the Pentagon (Not a Plane)
- A reporter at the Pentagon showing it definitely was NOT a plane that hit the pentagon. The LAPDOG MEDIA would NEVER show that reporters footage again!
- Professor David Ray Griffin (Same guy that the young Tucker Carlson at MSNBC had as a guest in 2006 who Tucker couldn't believe his beloved Government would attack itself) and Professor Griffin shows that George W Bushs brother MARVIN BUSH was the head of Security for WTC buildings and other places on that day (coincidence??). Professor David Griffin was one of the first to write a book about 9/11 inside job.

(August 9th 2006) A younger arrogant Tucker Carlson's on MSNBC in disbelief about Professor David Ray Griffin's take on 9/11

- Then a man who worked at the WTC said the WEEKEND before September 11th they had dropped the power in all the buildings. It was the first time in 5 years of him working there that he saw something like this and it was only after the attack did he realize it was important showing an inside job and he made sure to give it to the 9/11 COMMISSION and then realized they didn't really care about his information (Because the 9/11 COMMISSION was a WHITEWASH OPERATION just like the WARREN COMMISSION investigating JFK's assassination- The 9/11 COMMISSION made a paragraph only about the collapse of the 3rd WTC#7 and they totally glossed over the biggest smoking gun evidence).

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