10 Benefits Of INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Services- Live Stream!

1 year ago


10 Benefits Of INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Services- Live Stream!

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Hello everyone! My name is Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care at Home. I want to welcome you to this live stream today, and thank you for watching and thank you for joining me live on the stream today.

Today’s topic is about the 10 benefits for Intensive Care at Home Nursing Services. Before I dive into the 10 benefits, I want to quickly talk about what makes me qualified to talk about this topic today, just very quickly about myself. I’m the founder of Intensive Care at Home. I’m a critical care nurse by background. I have worked in intensive care in three different countries for over 20 years. Out of those 20 years in intensive care, or over 20 years, I have worked for over five years as a nurse unit manager in intensive care. Part of my intensive care nursing has also been that I set up Intensive Care at Home Nursing services here in Melbourne Australia, but we are also now interstate in Australia. We have gone to Sydney, country Victoria, and we’re also providing services to country Victoria now.

I was also part of setting up Intensive Care at Home in Germany over 20 years ago where I joined a group of intensive care nurses at the time in the late 1990s, early 2000s and where we were the first organization in Germany setting up Intensive Care at Home. So I do consider myself still after all these years. But I still consider myself as a pioneer in a pioneering industry really, but it’s worthwhile doing what we’re doing because we are helping so many clients and their families improving their quality of life. And we are also helping intensive care units, freeing up their in demand and precious intensive care beds. We’re freeing up intensive care resources, whether it’s equipment or staff. And we are also helping funding bodies to slash the cost of an ICU bed by around 50%. Therefore, it’s a win-win for everyone.

So now as we go along today I have just a couple of housekeeping issues, just type your questions into the chat pad and I will answer your questions of course, as we go along.

So let’s dive right into the 10 Benefits of Intensive Care Home Services. And let’s start with number one, which I believe is the most obvious one, which is quality of life at home instead of intensive care. I assume that if you are watching this video or you might be listening to the podcast or you might be reading the transcript, you would’ve come to us and sought out Intensive Care at Home because you are well aware that your loved one in intensive care has no quality of life whatsoever. Stuck in an intensive care bed space in an intensive care cubicle, whatever you want to call it. No natural daylight, very little natural daylight. There’s noise 24 hours a day. There’s people coming and going 24 hours a day.

It’s just not a very good and conducive environment for a recovery. And the quality of life at home well, you can’t beat home and picture intensive care as opposed to being in your own home. You have the nurses coming to your home. You’ve got everything at home that you need to be set up to make Intensive Care at Home possible and let the intensive care nursing team come to your home. So that is, I believe our biggest benefit of what we do. And I will break quality of life down a little bit more with more specifics as we go along so that you can really see how I can illustrate the quality of life aspect of our service.

Number two quality of end-of-life. Now, what do I mean by that? Some of our clients, may never come off a ventilator. They might have a life limiting illness and they may be approaching their end-of-life, sometimes over a few days, sometimes over a few weeks, sometimes over a few months, sometimes even over many years, depending on their situation. But I think it’s fair to say that we are providing also quality of end-of-life at home for our clients that have a life limiting illness. And again, if that is the case, where would you rather spend your last few days, weeks or months? At home or in an intensive care unit? I’ll leave the answer to you. I think it’s rather obvious what people would choose.


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