Question Affirmation Rant #10 | Control

1 year ago

Asking questions from a place of wonder and curiosity has the capacity to move the asker beyond their limitations and into a world of all possibilities.

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What if control is not the answer? What is?
How might I show up in life that isn’t about controlling myself and others?
What juicy goodness lies beyond my need to control?
How might I experience this in such a way that I can let go of this need?
What goodies are waiting for me to finally just allow space for them?
Could what I think I want and what I actually want, be two different things?
Has trying to control really brought me what I want, or could there be an altogether way easier and more fulling way?
What will it take for me to relinquish my need to control so that I can have and enjoy what I actually want?
How amazing are my relationships as I allow others to be exactly as they are?
What level of abundance can I enjoy as I allow it to naturally come into my life?
What emotions are underlying my need to control that, if I faced rather than tried to fix, would change everything for the best?
What are my authentic desires underneath everything I think I want?
What does it look like to have my true desires enter my life from a place of allowing?
What if all I need to do is listen to divine inspiration in order to have my actions produce the results I truly desire?
What if letting go of control could feel liberating and peaceful?
What if letting go of control could liberate me in ways I’ve yet to even imagine?
What is trying to be birthed within me, that feels so amazing that is on the other side of this pattern?
How might I step into my true authentic way of being in life that would allow for the greatest possible connections with my loved ones?
How might I step into my true authentic way of being with myself that would allow for the greatest possible connection with me?
What is the most pleasurable way of being in this world?
What joy and aliveness are here for me now?
What awareness can I have that will assist me to let go more fully and consciously?
What is unhooking naturally and effortlessly from me in this moment? How might I assist this to occur gently?
What is the best way for me to have my needs met by myself, life, others, etc. that is also from a place of allowing and authentic co-creation?
What is authentic co-creation from a place of allowing? What does it look like? How might I have an anchor point for this?
What needs to occur in my brain, that can occur right away, that will drastically alter the way I allow life, relationships, and abundance?
How might I be free of my patterns, stories, and limitations enough to truly allow, give and receive?
Who am I beyond my stories about control?
What is my essence way of showing up?
What joy is possible as I step into my essence way of being?
What can I see, feel, know, and understand that will assist this to occur effortlessly right away?

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