The autoroutes are designed to increase driver safety/highway leading to Oujda east of Morocco

1 year ago

The autoroutes are designed to increase driver safety and allow for higher speed limits 120 km than on regular roads without increasing the risk of accidents. The safety features include:
1. One way driving: the lanes driving in the opposite direction are separated by at least a crash barrier designed to resist the oblique impact of a car
2. Wider carriageways, with 2 lanes driving in the same direction
3. Long entrance and exit ramps or slip roads to get in or out of the autoroute without disturbing the traffic;
4. Rest areas with public toilets and service areas (aire de service with a least a gas station)
5. regularly patrolling security services, to clear any obstacle and protect drivers in trouble (usually a breakdown or a flat tyre) with appropriate warning signs and beacons;
6. Dynamic information panels that warn about possible difficulties ahead (e.g. accident, roadworks, traffic jam);
7. Radars automatiques (speed cameras) are installed in many locations, and announced by a specific road sign.

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