Motiational Gifts - Part 3

1 year ago

Motivational Gifts – Part 3

By Pastor Gary Wayne

This is part three looking at the motivational gifts listed in Romans 12.
Last week I pointed out a couple of reasons people don’t seem to fit at church. Its importance of knowing God places you with your gifts to function WITH the body of Jesus to fulfill His desire to cause the church to grow.
We NEED your gifts. You NEED your gifts.

Text: Romans 12:1-6a, 6b-8

It is important we understand how God has uniquely given us gifts to fit and function as a part of the body of Christ.
When we realize our gifting, and don’t ignore using them, the body is strengthened by our participation.

He has made you unique for a reason – no one else can have the positive impact that you can make.

But with that designed by God, we are meant to be a part of – not alone.

Too often when I feel I didn’t fit in, or I get hurt, I take my ball and go play by myself. Who suffers at my woundings or immaturity?

I want to do a brief overview of the behavioral characteristics of the seven different gifts with their strengths and weaknesses.

But just because you identify with a gift doesn't mean you will have all the strengths and weaknesses of that gift.

There are SO MANY contributing factors, so it’s important to visit with God to how this applies to you.

Seven Motivational Gifts Basic Function: Romans 12:6-8
Perceiver – are the eyes of the body. Service – the hands of the body.
Teacher – the mind of the body. Giving – the arms of the body.
Exhortation – the mouth. Leading – the head of the body.
Mercy – the heart of the body of Christ.

Prophesy – Perceiver – the eyes of the body. Ver.6b
I want to spend a little more time on this because of the perception of most people about prophesy.
There is a difference between the office of a prophet, and when someone prophesies. There are people who operate in the spiritual manifestation of prophesy on a regular basis that are different than a prophet.

The Holy Spirit is the source of the manifestation gifts – so when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, you can function in any of the gifts needed.
Anyone baptised in the Holy Spirit can prophesy, but that doesn’t make them a prophet.

In 1Cor.14:1, 39 Paul instructs all of us to “desire earnestly to prophesy.” That is because anyone who has the Holy Spirit can prophesy.

But you can prophesy without seeing the bigger picture.

In the context of Rom.12, I feel this list is speaking about gifting the Father weaves into our personality in the womb to be of this nature.
I like using the synonym perceiver to not put people off.

So when I refer to this gift prophesy / perceiver, I believe it is speaking of the “nature” this gift gives to see. See a bigger picture, or see through the smoke screen, to observe where the other gifting doesn’t seem to see.

Strengths: A perceiver sees things in terms of black and white, right and wrong, good or bad. They are quick to form an opinion and have no problem expressing it with confidence whether their opinion was wanted or not.
They are outspoken and don’t mince words.

They have strict standards for themselves and others around them.

Weakness: Perceivers can tend to judgmental, and blunt, and are often
un-aware of other’s feelings and can “run over people” without even knowing it.
They can be pushy to have other’s see things their way.

Often, they are intolerant of other’s opinions and views if they differ from theirs.
They can struggle with self-image problems and have such a high standard for themselves they can battle depression because they themselves often don’t measure up.

Ministry (NKJV) – Service (NIV) – the hands of the body. Ver.7
Strengths: Servers easily recognize the practical needs and are quick to meet them.

They enjoy hands on projects, jobs and functions.

They can be meticulous and are detail oriented - sometimes OCD about things.
They LOVE serving so hospitality is natural, and they like to stay with it to see things completed.
They have a hard time saying no to helping others to the point they put the needs of others before their own needs.

Their love language is doing things for others rather than words.
Servers tend to do more than they are asked to do.

They don’t want to lead the project, but they have the highest energy output.

Weakness: Sometimes they are critical of others who are not “helping.”
Sometimes they are so busy helping others, their own family’s needs go un-met.
They find it hard to let others help them in their times of need.
Servers can be easily hurt when they are unappreciated.

They can sometimes “help” where help is not wanted. Pushy.

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