tomato cabbage rolls

1 year ago

🎈How to blanch a single leaf of cabbage
Make a deep cut in the shape of a square knife at the root of the cabbage.
Put whole vegetables in water
Add hot water before boiling
Remove one dead leaf at a time.
It's been a while since I rolled meat with cabbage that hasn't been torn.
🎈I have more quantity than recipe

▶️ Recipe (measuring rice spoon)
1️⃣Blanch the cabbage until it dies
2️⃣Put in 200g minced pork, 200g minced beef, 1 cup bread crumbs, salt, pepper, 1 rice wine, 1~2 oyster sauce, 1/2 sugar, 1 minced garlic, 1 minced green onion, 2 minced onion, and mozzarella cheese.
3️⃣Put the meat in the cabbage in moderation^^
4️⃣Steam for 5 to 10 minutes on a steamer
5️⃣Put butter, minced onion, and minced garlic in a frying pan and stir-fry
6️⃣Add 1 chopped tomato, tomato pasta sauce, and 50ml of water and boil.
7️⃣Add 1 chicken stock and 1/2 sugar (passable)
8️⃣Put in the cabbage rolls and boil them while stirring so as not to burn the bottom.
▶️I steamed the cabbage rolls because I had a lot, and I frozen half of them^^

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