EGO Ways ...

1 year ago

[Reflective & Contemplative Poem Collection] -
“EGO Ways …” is a poem that considers the personal and how we navigate and are impacted by ‘Life’s Journey’, seeking balance as we go. If we place ‘journey over destination’ and ‘dedication over perfection’ – i feel it can be an easier passage!

This felt like a fitting time for me to share this piece, as we are in Easter Week – why? Well, for me, due to the feeling, that if Jesus had an 'excessive ego', history would be represented another way!

I felt the imagery on this one was funny - hanging the laundry out to dry and get a good airing!

This poem was written on 14th January 2023 and falls into the poem collection which I refer to as ‘Reflective & Contemplative’, containing ‘an Analytical and Pensive blend of observational ditties.

EGO ways …

Ego. It’s not just a guide on how others view you.
Ego takes pride, in – ‘how you, do you’.
Yet, Ego excesses can create dirty messes.
So, God, lead us from ego excesses!

Our Ego, it helps us with our identity –
but alone makes a rough, poor entity.
Some Egos are simple and just,
Seem to float along – yet perhaps hidden and headstrong!
Some Egos need constant feeding,
A source of adoring, gazing and kneading.

Ego actions - they can be petty or laming
Full of themselves, constantly claiming,
even craving or enslaving.

I… I… I.., did this and that!
I… I… I.., don’t recognise when I behave ‘like a prat’!
I… I… May just, be ‘sad’, inside?
I… I... In ego, my vulnerabilities hide?

Look in and decide.
How does your Ego reside?
Gentle and calm? Or somewhat phony and sham?!
Inflated? Unrelated to reality inside or out?
Reflect, and address, if in any doubt!

In Freudian constructs (Psychoanalytic Theory!),
Where does Ego sit? Between the ‘id’ and the ‘superego’.
The ‘id’ – being ‘raw instinctual desires’; like – ‘setting fires’!
And the ‘Superego’ – being the ‘critical, moralizing role’; like ‘le dull aunt’!!
So, the Ego fits in between, as ‘an organised realistic mediator’;
Like for – ‘keeping internal squabbles in check’!

Emh, bloody heck!!

Perhaps, I could try summarise?
It’s like getting a mix between …
“Knowing who we are – and giving it welly;
While understanding our flaws – and feeling like jelly!!:”

Dear nelly, not sure that’s how it goes, who else knows?

We need Ego – it gives us our intent and our strength.
If we can keep it balanced – if it doesn’t get too dented or bent!
Or so showy and pushy, that it is un-relenting, ever venting!
But, if we give it some humility – it then seems fine.
By removing it from pain and futility – it enters the Divine.

Using ‘initialisms’ E G O, as a moniker?
Can we create Acronyms - to like be a monitor?
Energised – Graceful - Opportunistic
Engaging – Gratefully - Optimistic
Exuberant – Gratification – Often
Exonerating-self – Glorification - Offensives
As you see, I play – now, you work away on the notions.

To enjoy overall perspective for relationship –
Balance ego with the ‘id’ and the ‘superego’.
Remember for this, some ‘mixed Latin’ phrases ……

‘Cogito Ergo Sum’ meaning “I think, therefore I am”.
And another creation ‘Fix Ego Or I Go’ –
Roughly translated to mean “Drop excess ego or I scram!!”
You know – life’s bread – only needs a smattering of jam!

Remember, it’s journey over destination;
And dedication over perfection:
We need Ego – initiated, not inflated nor deflated.
Like an appetite – just gently sated!


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