Homeschool Curriculum I Am No Longer Using or Curriculum I Wouldn't Buy Again #homeschoolcurriculum

1 year ago

In this video, I'm sharing homeschool curriculum I'm no longer using or curriculum I wouldn't buy again. I hope you learn from my mistakes and find a curriculum that is perfect for you and your family!

#sonlight #notgrass

Choosing the right homeschool curriculum can be a tricky task. In this video, I'm sharing with you some of the curriculums I've used and some I wouldn't recommend. From boring regimens to unenlightened materials, I'm hoping these reviews will help you find the perfect homeschool curriculum for you and your family!

Homeschool Curriculum I would not buy again, or that I am no longer using,
and a product I would buy again and one I would not.

The game Asteroid Escape can be found under games.
The history book under History.

(Amazon will not let me link directly from my videos. Sigh.)

00:00 Intro Curriculum I Would Not Buy Again

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