Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom April 8 2023

1 year ago

The WEF Digital Blueprint ( is creeping into our lives; banks are changing up their terms, our data is being shared across private and public entities and it's happening without our knowledge, nor consent.

The first step to every solution is acknowledging the problem. We now know the problem, so let's take actions to be the solution.

Tonight, we'll review the new NOL templates that are targeted to put a wrench in the globalist plans for digital ID and 15-minute cities. The law is on our side, let's use it!

1. Block information form and NOL lives HERE
2. 15-Minute City information and action and NOL template lives HERE

Also, we'll have an update on TD banks latest announcement regarding their new terms. And are telcos collecting our personal data?

Watch the replay to get the skinny, and learn what you can do to create action.

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DISCLAIMER: All content on this site is for general information only, and should not be construed as legal advice.

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