Gaming with ADHD Miniature Showcase 151 #shorts

1 year ago

Alaric Ward was a Clan Wolf MechWarrior during the Dark Age era. Initially known as Alaric Wolf, he won both his prestigious Bloodname and Khanship of Clan Wolf in 3143, becoming ruler of the newly founded Wolf Empire. He was known within the Wolf Clan for his aggressiveness, cunning, and intelligence. A highly skilled warrior and leader with potent political instincts. Leading the mechwarriors of Clan Wolf to their rightful place as the conquerors of Terra and the heirs to the Star League and legacy of Kerensky, Alaric will lead his people into a glorious new era, that of the ilClan.

#games #battletech #catalystgamelabs #miniature #painting #showcase #marauder #warhammer #wolf #sentinel #ilclan #kickstarter #adepticon #madcat #timberwolf

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