NT Bible Study 65: 2nd sabbath a/f the 1st continued (Beginning of Jesus' Galilean Ministry part 25)

1 year ago

This is a comparative Bible study on the events surrounding the beginning of Jesus' Galilean ministry. This 25th part further recaps our last discussion on the phrase in Luke 6:1 (KJV) "...the second sabbath after the first..." and some of the issues that may surround it. Then we go on to explore if there is other evidence in the Bible that would indicate if a year has possibly passed since Jesus began His Galilean ministry. This verse is located within scriptures that we have begun to study regarding Jesus being asked questions about the sabbath (Matthew 12:1-14; Mark 2:23 – 3:6; Luke 6:1-11). Other verses referenced during this Bible study are: John 2:12-13; Luke 4:16; Luke 4:31; Luke 4:43-44; Mark 2:1; John 12:24; Ruth 2:23; John 3:22-24; John 4:1; John 4:4; John 4:43; Matthew 4:23-25; Joshua 19:15-16; Joshua 19:22-23; Joshua 19:30-31; Joshua 19:38-39; Acts 13:14; Acts 13:42; Acts 13:44. Overall, this is our 65th New Testament (NT) Bible study. I'm a layperson, hoping to witness things I believe I've learned through Bible study, and would like to share this information as a friend would with a friend.

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