Trans Agenda

1 year ago

Everyday we see more signs of an unspoken minority clamoring for their place at the table. For most of us this is very confusing. Where did they come from? Why are they so angry? The answer could lie in the Agenda 2030, a manifesto outlining seventeen "sustainability goals," which all participating nations agreed to [except China of course.]

What we are witnessing is a depopulation agenda. The idea is to warp the children's ideas about gender and sexuality and, when possible, put them on hormone blockers before puberty to prevent them from ever having children.

A secondary agenda is the militarization of the trans community. This is likely a result of activist networks and non-profit watchdog groups. However, it also bears the signature of George Soros's Open Societies Foundation, who love to support minority groups in attacking the majority. The psychological methods employed mimic the genius and ruthless tactics of communist and socialist uprisings of the past century(+).

Vis. First, the fox must breach the henhouse. Next, he places his people in seats of power within and take control of the people while simultaneously they are attacked by militant groups below and divisions are fomented between the people over fleeting and trivial political issues so they fight amongst themselves. In the end, their demise it is a fait accompli. And add to that bank failures and energy and food shortages for good measure, just to shake the ant jar as we enter WWIII with Russia, China and Iran. Gonna be fun! :)

Another favorite tactic of communist and socialist takeovers, which the current occupation of America by global powers contains many elements of, is to inflict a harsh attack or method of control and make the defense against the same illegal. For instance, transgender is a federally protected class. If a non-trans person is attacked by a trans person, the standard laws apply to the attacker with a few added legal defenses. When the roles are reversed, the attacker has now violated a federal hate crime. In addition, laws are being passed to outlaw speaking out against the trans agenda. Some cities and states are labeling it hate speech for parents to criticize school curricula regarding gender and sexuality and in some places children can begin the transition process without parental consent.

The way the unrest is sowed is well-funded, militant activist groups disseminate propaganda promoting the notion this group is under attack, they are not afforded the same rights as others, in fact they are being hunted and killed like prey. The only solution, of course, is to take up arms. This process is repeated amongst various minority groups until the society descends into chaos.

We are being gradually conquered. We have been for over a century and it is almost complete. Wake the fuck up.

#greatreawakening, #spiritualawakening, #awake, #nwo, #illuminati, #globalism, #wef, #greatreset, #agenda21, #agenda2030, #depopulation, #populationcontrol, #alexwasright, #eugenics, #pedogate, #saveourchildren, #media, #psyop, #brainwashing, #mkultra, #mindcontrol, #indoctrination, #socialconditioning, #covid, #plandemic, #scamdemic, #pharmakeia, #vaxx, #jab, #mRNA, #killshot, #billgates, #fauci, #rockefeller, #johnshopkins, #pfizer, #moderna, #medicaltyranny, #wwiii,

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