BBC misinformation claim

1 year ago

Elon Musk accuses BBC of covering up vaccine side effects

Full interview

Mr. Musk

Does the BBC hold itself at all responsible

for misinformation regarding masking

and side-effects of vaccinations

and not reporting on that at all?

And what about the fact that the BBC was put under pressure by the British government

to change the editorial policy, are you aware of that?

The BBC declined to comment on Mr Musk's claims.

Mr Musk

Spoken about having “major side effects” after 2nd covid vaccination

Left him feeling as if he was “dying for several days.”

The BBC’s liberal bubble has finally burst

Huge thanks to Musk for exposing the corporation’s groupthink with such forensic, dancing wit.

Six things we learned from Elon Musk interview

In March, Twitter said it removed 400,000 accounts in one month alone to help make Twitter safer.

My experience is there is less misinformation rather than more

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