How to make Zombie shark In a Swimming Pool diorama /polymer clay / Epoxy resin art

1 year ago

How to make Zombie shark In a Swimming Pool diorama /polymer clay / Epoxy resin art

Creating a zombie shark diorama using polymer clay and epoxy resin can be a fun and challenging project. Here are some general steps to help you get started:


Polymer clay (various colors)

Epoxy resin

Clear plastic container (for the pool)

Blue acrylic paint

Rocks or sand

Plastic plants or seaweed


Small paintbrushes

Craft knife



Begin by sculpting the zombie shark out of polymer clay. You can use reference images to help you create a realistic-looking shark. Don't forget to add details like teeth, fins, and scars.

Once your shark is complete, bake it according to the instructions on the clay package.

Next, prepare your swimming pool by painting the inside of a clear plastic container with blue acrylic paint. Let the paint dry completely.

Use epoxy resin to create the water effect in your pool. Mix the resin according to the instructions on the package and pour it into the container. Use a toothpick to create ripples and waves in the resin while it's still wet. Allow the resin to cure completely.

Once the resin is cured, you can add rocks or sand to the bottom of the pool to create a more realistic underwater environment.

Use toothpicks to attach the shark to the bottom of the pool. You can also add plastic plants or seaweed to make the scene more interesting.

If you want to add more details, you can use a craft knife to carve out small crevices or caves in the rocks.

Once everything is in place, use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges or imperfections.

Finally, add any finishing touches you like, such as painting on blood splatters or adding a creepy background.

Remember to always take safety precautions when using epoxy resin and polymer clay. Wear gloves, work in a well-ventilated area, and read and follow all instructions carefully.

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