BBN, Apr 14, 2023 - Biden announces CLOSURE of Darien Gap camps after Michael Yon / Brighteon

1 year ago

BBN, Apr 14, 2023 - Biden announces CLOSURE of Darien Gap camps after Michael Yon / Brighteon

Mike Adams interviews George Howard about COSMIC SUMMIT 2023, ancient civilizations and comet impact events
0:00 Intro
1:20 CLOSURE of Darien Gap camps
25:48 Interview with Dane Wigington
1:01:35 Interview with George Howard

- Biden & Mayorkas announce CLOSURE of Darien Gap camps after we exposed the horrors
- Demonstrates the power of independent media to expose the truth
- Human trafficking highways continue to be run by the UN and the USA
- European socialists want to CLOSE all airports and meat farms
- Why Western Europe will collapse and is beyond the tipping point
- BBC's Trusted News Initiative is COMPLICIT in the coordinated mass murder of millions of humans
- Censorship of the truth about vaccines and covid caused immeasurable human suffering and death
- #Censorship has killed more people than did the Holocaust
- Ron Paul and RFK, Jr. call out the CIA for its role in Kennedy assassination
- Interview with Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch about engineered ecological destruction
- Interview with George Howard of Cosmic Summit 2023 about ancient civilizations and comet impact theory

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