THIS is what George Washington Should Have Done with his Slaves

1 year ago

Did George Washington actually help his slaves by freeing them? Or did he simply cast them penniless onto the streets with no education and no future? While Washington's efforts to do right by his fellow man can never be taken away from him, the choice to free his slaves after his death is looked upon by many as not good enough. While it may be that he should have taken a stand earlier, it still cannot be taken away from his legacy that he was one of the only early Americans to free slaves upon principle. However, to simply free the slaves was never going to be enough. Freed slaves often had nowhere to go, and few skills with which to ply trade, and so it would have been better for Washington to have followed the medieval method.

The "Serf" class was a transitory class of people that existed between the stages of slave and peasant. Everywhere that Christianity went it dissolved slavery organically. No other religion has ever eliminated slavery. Traditional Christianity is unique the world over in the humanitarian achievement of real and practiced brotherhood amongst all men. However, the world that Christianity inherited was full to bursting with slaves. Christianity was born out of pagan society, and the pagan world owned slaves, lots of slaves. When the pagan lords converted to Christian kings and lords, they all, without exception, transitioned their slaves into Serfs. A Serf had some of the rights and privileges of a free peasant, but they also had some of the duties and restrictions of a slave. Through the implementation of such things as 99 year leases where landlords could not raise rents or evict their serfs, the serfs eventually put down generational roots and learned to become a part of the land and of a traditional society.

Serfdom organically morphed into free peasantry in the Christian lands, and would have remained the norm had not secular humanism revived pagan ideals and broke up Traditional Christianity. The Protestant Revolution brought with it the ideals of meritocracy and aristocracy, and these things always come with slavery. However, had George Washington set up a traditional monarchy he would have ended the cycle, and eliminated a race based theory of slavery in America.

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