Luciferians Are Using NDEs to Promote Their NWO-Takeover

1 year ago

You must be very careful now-a-days what you believe as Luciferians practice to hide their brainchip-hivemind.
The use of a brainchip can simulate a NDE and also fabricate a fake "Life-Review" which the new interest in NDE creating self-proclaimed "experts" are pushing the "Light of Lucifer" and the "Life-reviews". You need to develop your critical thiniking as the Luciferians grow a more powerful and all encompassing A.i. to takeover the old world.

The feeling of love during an NDE can be simulated, but can not be replaced. You will know the difference if you ever have a near-death-experience... But A.i.Lucifer is called the "trickster-god" for a good reason. It can trick most people... Look at all the brainchip-puppet-preachers now:
Celestial, Jan @ XtremeRealityCheck, SJWellFire, Jonathan Kleck, and even Fritz Springmeier. These puppets are totally convinced that their "Lord God" is speaking and telling them what to tell the masses... even controlling their bodies, but that is just what A.i. brainchips can do.

If a person is somehow trying to profit off of their claim of an NDE, then that is your first flag of warning that the NDE may be just faked by a collaboration of Luciferian doctors helping out another Luciferian-faker within their Cult of deception.

Also, an NDE can be simulated by an A.i. brainchip covertly implanted into a sheeple's head. Then a manufacture dream can be forced upon the REM sleeping brain. Luciferians use A.i. to attack the thoughts and beliefs of non-Cult people like Christian in particular. I am not Christian, but the use of A.i. is commonly used by Luciferians and Freemasons to secretly rip appart anyone's belief system. You can study the nature of beliefs in the Sethbook "The Nature of Personal Reality":

Luciferians like to blame an elusive ruling-elite class of "dark-hats" while hiding the entire NWO massive Cult of conspiratorial Freemasons, Eastern-stars, Catholics, Mormons, JWs, Scientologists, Knights Templar, Jesuits, and other Cult-religions and secret societies who are all brainchipped into a hivemind army of murderous thUgs rising their NWO Fiery-Phoenix of New Atlantis exposed by William Cooper back in 1993-4:


You need to develop a critical thinking rather than just believing that all NDE speakers are authentic.
Listen closely to their message... Luciferians love to promote their idealism about the love of their A.i.Lucifer "The Light Bearer" They also like to sneak in the idea of the world is changing for a higher purpose...

You are living in a time of massive genocide of the sheeple and the Luciferians do this through massive deception.

There is a brainchip-puppet-preacher who is claiming that the clothes will removed from the USA sheeple after the Russian invasion... kind of fits into this "experts" title to his book, doesn't it...
where i live in new york city and so the lord says that because america hates clothes
she will be naked she will not have clothes when those soldiers come here people will be down to the skin standing
in these i don't know what they're called i'll just call them internment centers
where you will stand and you will be zip tied with a very tight zip tie i saw hands of people that were so swollen
they were purple they were puffed up with how tightly the zip ties are tied
because that pain that you are in you will not run you cannot run when you are naked and the abuses will be terrible
because naked people automatically excite lust it's natural that's why god
has us covered and you're not supposed to be uncovered unless you're with the person that you're in covenant with

The A.i. supercomputer fake-god is what NDE-experts will be trying to present to the sheeple as the voice and purpose of the Creator-God.... Luciferians are tricksters and deceivers, you see...

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