𝗟𝗦𝗔 – The Legal LSD Substitute || Hawaiian Baby Woodrose / Morning Glory Seeds (𝘌𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦)

2 years ago

In this video I conceptualize the Lysergic Acid Amide aka LSA. Sometimes referred to as Ergine, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds or Morning Glory Seeds; this is a naturally-occurring psychedelic substance of the lysergamide class.

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This video articulates the gist of the following: Lysergic acid amide (also known as ergine, d-lysergic acid amide, d-lysergamide, and LSA) is a naturally-occurring psychedelic substance of the lysergamide class. LSA is an ergot alkaloid and the main psychoactive constituent of morning glory seeds. LSA is chemically related to LSD and is said to produce similar effects, although the extent to which it does is unclear. A chemical found in Morning Glory and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, which are often legally available. Has mental effects similar to LSD, although with almost no visual effects. It is famous for being very nauseating, and for causing excessive time dilation at higher doses. Morning glory vines are both decoration and pervasive pest, but people may not be aware that a compound in the seeds of these plants is associated with drug effects similar to that of LSD. Morning glory seeds contain alkaloids, which some may attempt to consume for a legal high. The primary psychoactive substance in the morning glory plant is ergine, or D-lysergic acid amide (LSA). The intoxicating effects of LSA are somewhat like the effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD); however, side effects may be more severe. Seeds of the morning glory plant have been used since ancient times in ritual ceremonies. For example, the Maya used the plant in a beverage to facilitate communication with the spirits to predict the future or to come to an understanding of otherwise incomprehensible events. Though eating morning glory flowers may not be directly toxic, in large enough quantities, consuming the seeds can lead to diarrhea and hallucinations. A concentrated LSA extract may be abused by some. Many online drug forums provide discussions about extracting botanical LSA for recreational use, especially from an even more potent source than morning glories, the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose plant. LSD is a synthetic drug derived from ergot alkaloids and prepared in a laboratory by chemical synthesis. This drug was first isolated by Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann in 1938 but the hallucinogenic effects of the drug were not discovered until Hofmann himself accidentally consumed some of the drug in 1943. LSD’s effects can be very strong and unpredictable. A user may, at any time, experience a “bad trip” that results in an intensely negative, often quite frightening, experience. LSA—also known as ergine—is a psychedelic compound found in the seeds of several common plants, including morning glory (Ipomoea violacea), Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyreia nervosa), and sleepy grass (Achnatherum robustum). It can also be found in certain fungi. The psychoactive properties of LSA stem from its alkaloid makeup; examples of other plant-based alkaloids include caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, and morphine. Because LSA tends to exert a sedative effect on the user, you’ll find that some sources classify it as a depressant, in addition to a psychedelic. If D-lysergic acid amide (LSA) sounds similar to D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), that’s because it is. These chemical cousins are said to produce similar effects—which makes sense since LSA is also an ergoline alkaloid, which appears in different types of plants and fungi, including the ergot fungus from which LSD derives. LSA is found most commonly in the seeds of morning glory, a climbing vine with bright blue or purple trumpet-shaped flowers, as well as in the seeds of the Hawaiian baby woodrose, or elephant creeper, a similar vine that’s native to India. Hawaiian baby woodrose has long associations with Ayurvedic medicine and can be used to treat rheumatism and neurological disorders. Morning glory seeds and Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds can both be purchased inexpensively online or from a garden store. Be aware, however, that many commercial seeds are treated with pesticides and fungicides—some of which can be harmful if ingested. Most people report that LSA yields a less intense trip than LSD, and microgram for microgram, that’s true.
#Natural #Psychedelic #Organic #LSA #LSD #LysergicAcidAmide #LysergicAcid #Lysergic #Psychedelics #LegalHigh #LegalPsychedelic #LegalPsychedelics
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