Fates: Determination Gameplay | Story Rich Visual Novel | Episode 4

1 year ago

This is an episodic visual novel, but it seems that all the episodes are included in this game. This is the first episode from Fates: Determination, a visual novel with super detailed visuals (especially up-close), with an interesting story that has romance, drama and action in which you will have to pick your path by choosing from different options. You play as multiple characters and their story will intersect at some point in the game. The animations in this game are also really good. Don't really want to spoil much but if you are a fan of those type of visual novels I'm sure you are going to like this one too.

From Steam:
"Fates Determination is a story driven episodic adult adventure that you play from two perspectives. Once from Jake's point of view and once from Amy's point of view. Be prepared to experience a plot full of drama, mysteries, superpowers and hot *** scenes!

Immerse yourself in a world like ours, where people with indescribable powers live among us, hiding in the shadows. These people are hunted by a secret government agency for posing a danger to our fellow man.
But are they?

Be prepared for a thrilling, emotional and gritty story that is second to none. Play from the perspective of the hunted and the hunter. Experience what it's like to have a power and the responsibility that comes with it. On the other side try everything to stop these people who have powers.

But is it all really that simple? Can you change the world around our protagonists with your actions?
Are you able to form their fate?

Play as Jake
Fates is a game where you play from the point of view of Jake as well as Amy.

Jake is a normal college student who one day, by a twist of fate, finds out that he has powers. Powers that will change his whole life forever. Yet he wants nothing more than to live a normal life.

Play as Amy
Amy is fresh out of the FBI Academy, starting her new job with a secret government division called The Company. She doesn’t yet know what’s coming for her.

During the game you jump back and forth between the two and experience the story from two perspectives.
Be ready for a **** adventure

Fates: Determination offers you not only an extraordinary story to enjoy, but also refines it with hot *** scenes!

However, if you don't feel like it, each scene can be bypassed with your in-game choices.
So you also have the possibility to enjoy the whole game without ever seeing a single sex scene!

Every choice matters
During the game you'll have to make many choices for your two main protagonists.
These decisions will determine which direction Jake and Amy will take.
Will they turn out good or bad?

Depending on your choices you will see a different ending, up to 4 different endings are possible!

Key features
3000 static images
31 fully animated 30fps *** scenes
6-8 hours of gameplay
6 episodes
licensed soundtrack"

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