Parable of Jerusalem

1 year ago

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, tell this prophetic parable about Jerusalem, October 19, 1984 – including about the Messiah the Anti-Christ, and the possibility of Armageddon:

"Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

"And we should say unto thee this parable.

"For once, in the land that you know as Jerusalem, men came, learned men, men of science, engineers, craftsmen; from all over the world men of knowledge gathered. And with them came the scholars of religions of all faiths, and they were welcome. This was so during the days of Aaron. For Moses had said, “In the day that thy rise a city to God, make it the center and the hub of the world.” And so it was. It remained so until those of the Judaean faith became jealous, and declared that it was ungodly for any man to come and speak his mind in such a manner, that if God had wanted it so He would have made it so.

"Now through all the time that did pass no one dared to trespass upon this ruling. And the State of Israel fell piece by piece, day by day, week by week, until it became a very weak nation before man and God.

"And then came the day that the descendent of Maccabee from the line of David came. And there [were] two − first, one to be beheaded, the other to be crucified. And the State of Israel fell into dust. Now according to the prophecies of Isaiah, according to all the great prophets, this was to be so − even according to the newer prophet, John.

"And then came forth the birth of Israel. From the dust, from the ashes, it rose. And once again it brought forth scientists. And gradually it has become a great nation to stand among nations. In a short while it shall reach forth and stand, once again, in its greatest time of trial, to stand as a nation, for once again, those of the Judaean faith, there will be those who shall try to exterminate them.

"Now amongst them dwells a young man. And amongst the young men he knows of that of who he is. And he is that who we have waited for.

"In another land, in the land that you now look at as a friendly Arabian nation, the land you call Saudi Arabia, dwells that that is known as the Anti-Christ. And the peace that was brought forth between Egypt and Israel shall soon be known as a false peace."

[Editor’s note: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian president el-Sadat received the 1978 Nobel Prize for Peace for their achievement of a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt that was formally signed in 1979. Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by radical religious fundamentalists who erroneously thought he had betrayed their plans to annihilate Israel.]

"We say unto you, beware. For the hour and the days are close at hand. If we knew the exact day we would give this to you, but only the Lord, God, knows it. And when He is ready, He will give you this information.

"We can say to you, hope that it is not in the winter time. And we say unto you, if you work in the field and you see it, do not return to your home for your coat, but flee, for you shall have no home." [See Matthew 24:15-22.]

"We say unto you, there are those who would hurry this about − and they are in your own land. There are those who could prevent this now from happening, and they are in your own land. Beware. For once before, in the month of December, your country was struck a cowardly blow." [Note: The Japanese make a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.]

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