The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 14 – Standard of Care. What is “Standard?”

1 year ago

There are so many differences of opinions and definitions of the “Standard of Care” that I had to put this podcast episode out. The medical field is one of the largest and most critical job fields in the world. The professionals that dedicate their lives are truly a blessing to everyone impacted by their care and expertise. There are also those in a smaller percentage that are not proficient in their job and cause more harm than good.

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The following is an automated transcript and may be edited for grammar, and please listen to the podcast for exact verbiage.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] Hey, this is Dr. Matt Chalmers and you're listening to the Dr. Chalmers podcast. We'll be covering how the body actually works so we can fix the things no one else can.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:15] So we talk about this a little bit and this is this is going to come up because we've got some stuff coming up and things are going to be talking about. Standard of care is a double-edged sword you know, I'm going to say a lot of negative things about us I want to touch on positive things. But first, not everyone should get to choose how people are cared for. Not all doctors are awesome. Some doctors are much, much better at being technicians than they are being the person who decides with the best treatment plan for someone else.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:43] And so the idea that we figured out, hey, you know, you should give this person this much of this medication per gram weight per kilogram of body weight, and we should do things this way and treat people this way is good. Like at the end of the day, a lot of times it protects people more than it harms. And so I get it. It is it was a great guideline and I think it should be more of a guideline than a hardcore rule.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:13] It becomes problematic when it becomes a hardcore rule, when it's you do it this way and only this way that's when we start having people die. But I think it's a phenomenal example of that we were all told, you can use these two or three drugs have to have they don't breathe right in advance like this is everyone has to run the exact same model the problem was the model was bad.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:34] Now I get it You know, argue about if the model was bad on purpose, I think it was but that's what it is. And again, that's why it's bad, because as a doctor, if you're sitting there looking at somebody and they go, well, here's the standard of care and you look at your like, this makes no sense.

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