V416 Jericho Marches XII 2023: III. Overcoming Passivity, the Need for More Joshua's (2023-04-22)

1 year ago

V416 Jericho Marches XII 2023: III. Overcoming Passivity, the Need for More Joshua's (2023-04-22)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230422.html
Duration: 30 minutes

"Welcome to the third day of this year's Jericho March which corresponds to the third annual festival of Yom haBikkurim, the Day of Firstfruits, as we tackle major obstacles in our life that need to be removed before we can walk in the victory and power of a fully regenerated son or daughter in Christ. As I think you are beginning to understand, the Priesthood or Leaders must go before or in front of Yahweh, in the same way that the Seven Cohenim or Priests blowing the seven shofars went in front of the Ark of the Covenant, with the rest of the army following behind, as we say yesterday. This may, at first sight, seem strange, even disrespectful of Yahweh. Not at all. The leading of the Seven Cohenim (Priests) is not a declaration of superior ranking but a demonstration of trust...."

Jericho Marches: www.nccg.org/jericho_marches.html

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