Time to Draft Women in Combat?

1 year ago

https://nutrientsurival.com Here's something that I guarantee will make you squirm. When I graduated West Point in 1991, only men could serve in the Army's combat arms. That's infantry, armor, field artillery, air defense artillery. No one really asked about the reasons why because to me, to us, it all seemed pretty obvious. These roles in combat arms often had physical requirements that were beyond the strength of your average woman. Yes, there are exceptions, but I'm sorry. Men are typically physically stronger than women. And beyond that, the idea of sending women to a combat zone where they could be taken prisoner by an immoral or evil enemy like Al Qaeda or the Taliban and be subjected to sexual abuse at best and tortured to death at worst and then have them sent back home in body bags, it wasn't a very appealing idea. I mean, we know what these guys are capable of doing. We know what our enemies are up to. Have we already forgotten the beheadings?

Okay, now over the years, that restriction has changed. And since 2015, the Department of Defense has opened all combat roles and combat operations to women too. And this is good. Now, we've even had some women take part in and complete special ops training like Ranger School, like SFAS, Special Forces Assessment and Selection, like the Naval Special Warfare Corps and the like. Now to my knowledge, there are no women Navy SEALs or Marsok Marine Raiders, though some have tried. So clearly, women are able and willing to serve in a combat capacity up to including our most elite fighting forces like the special ops.

Now, as a father with a daughter, I am very thankful for those women pioneers out there who have paved the way for others who choose to serve in that capacity to do so. And as the old saying goes, and I'm reminded frequently at my house, whatever a man can do, a woman can do better. It's true, honey.

So that said, let me turn the tables on you for just a minute. This will be interesting. I wonder if it's time to require all women to register for the draft as well. Now hear me out. Today, despite all the progress women have made, there is still no requirement to sign up for the Selective Service. It is only a requirement for biological males to do so. In fact, even trans women have to register for the draft. Those are that were born male, but transition gender. And the opposite does not apply. So again, it is biological males sign up for the draft.

Now, maybe this is a completely philosophical question anyway. As we all know, we have an entirely volunteer armed force. And we haven't used the draft since the Vietnam War.

We are spreading ourselves thin across the globe as the world's police force. We're depleting our munitions stockpiles, and we can't make enough to get them back into shape. We're handing out our military equipment to bad actors like the Taliban and even new friends like Ukraine. It's just like candy at a parade. And we're facing waning recruitment numbers with tens of thousands of unfilled roles.

So all this coupled with a very real threat of fighting on multiple fronts, it's very likely, be it with China over Taiwan, Russia over Ukraine, North Korea over South Korea, or Iran over Israel. I don't know where it will happen, but something will happen. I mean, what more of a threat do we need to justify opening up the draft to all able-bodied Americans? Maybe at the same time, we should even increase the draft eligible age as well. We are living longer, you know. Currently it caps at 25. Maybe we should take it to 30, who knows?

Now, if you're still with me and you know me at all, you probably know that what I'm saying is just to make a point. To tell you the truth, I don't want to see women drafted. And that's because I don't want to see my daughter sent over to a foreign land to die for a dirty politician. And I don't want to see my son sent over for that reason either.

War is hell. And it doesn't matter what sex your birth certificate says you are when you have a bullet through your chest or you get your legs blown off or your face is burned down to the bone. In all cases, the outcome is the same. And for many, it ends in a black body bag.

No, I think we keep it just the way it is. Call me old fashioned. Call me whatever you want. I think it's great if women want to join the combat arms. I think it's great if they want to volunteer. I think it's great if they can get through ranger school. I think it's great if they can get through Seal school, through BUDS. And I know it's just a matter of time before someone worthy, someone worthy does. Don't change the standards. I guarantee you that a woman that is trying to break the barrier to get through seal school, buds, they don't want your charity. And they would appreciate if you kept the standards high.

#militarylife #armylife #marinelife

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