Fiend hunter | PC-Engine CD playthrough | Real hardware

1 year ago


Like the first Dark Souls before Souls was invented. It’s called an RPG but really it’s just a linear platformer with no enemies, just boss fights. There are over 40 bosses to get through in the game.
You have a companion that can attack enemies but is largely useless, even after you power it up and try to give it more moves. You can’t even tell moves apart they are so useless.
The sword combat is good. Your guy is quite agile with high and low blocks, forward and backwards somersaults, and a slide. A lot of the bosses can be cheesed by cornering them and holding the turbo attack button.
There are power ups, rings to wear that give you boosts, and you can level up your character.
Health is scarce throughout the game and if you don’t use your potions or wisely throughout the game, you could end up on the last boss with no health potions and you will have no chance of completing it.
I went through a hell of a lot of deaths so thankfully you can save after every boss or wherever you are as long as you aren’t fighting. This is great but you do have to wait ages for you save to load up.
The platforming is a bit goofy. I ended up being stuck at the beginning of the game for ages because I didn’t realise I had to climb down and drop to what looked like a bottomless pit underneath. Performing a run is also very difficult. It’s double tap forward but you have to time it to walk a bit first and then tap quickly to run. This is very difficult to time if you are on a small platform and can easily lead to death. You really have to explore and get every item though, otherwise you could get to the end without the potions you need.
The major negative for me is the un-skippable cut-scenes. They are really long! They do look gorgeous but because they are Japanese, they are boring to me.
I got a bit addicted to this game and kept wanting to see what was next so that’s a sign of a good game.

Rating – 9/10
Difficulty – 7/10

Mirror - ?
Emerald – Level up
Medicine bottle – Level up
Green bottle – Health Refill
Yellow Bottle – Half damage for limited time
Dark Blue Bottle – Psycho Power refill. 100 points
Black bottle – Low fall damage
Red bottle – Damage to enemy? And self?
Thin light blue bottle – Auto refill health on death
Blue band – 3 x HP refill
Red ring – Half fire damage
Black ring – Super jump
Green ring – Reduced fall damage
Blue ring – Mental energy refills faster

Original game played on PC-Engine Duo console
Picture split between CRT TV for my own viewing and OSCC scan converter with 2x line doubler, upscaled to HDMI for recording
No cheats used
Deaths cut out for smoother viewing
Box art from thumbnail is taken from my own collection

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