Unlawful Public Health Order threatens well-being of BC residents

1 year ago

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Letter to the Attorney General, Health Minister, Premier and MLAs of BC calling upon them to terminate the unlawful "Hospital and Community COVID-19 Vaccination Status information and Preventative Measures", April 6, 2023, Public Health Order

There is growing concern among British Columbians that Public Health is being used as a point of infiltration for anti-democratic legislation that undermines the rule of law, strips individuals of constitutionally protected rights and freedoms, and threatens the health and well-being of all B.C. residents.

Here is the letter. Please distribute widely. Copy and adapt and send in to the AG, Minister of Health, Premier, and MLAs. Emailed letters are good, posted letters are better.
Call for the immediate termination of the "Hospital and Community COVID-19 Vaccination Status information and Preventative Measures" Public Health Order, April 6, 2023.

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