Loud House Shorts: Slam Dunk Karen

1 year ago

The Latest Loud House Short known as Slam Dunk Karen has now been completed, Slam Dunk Karen was a video requested by my Subscribers, who wanted Lynn Loud Jr to be the girl that Karen ended up getting thrashed from after she messes with Lincoln, well now, you all have got your wish.

Months have passed since Lincoln had moved in with his real family, and he is now happily living with his true family that had lost him back in 2009, during the statement, the Lords had given the Loud Family directions on where their home is located, so as friends they could still see Lincoln and hang with him.

Lynn Loud Jr is shown trying to find the address to Lincoln's family home, and is at first lost, as she takes one last look at the Directions, she later realizes that she all this time has been standing right In front of his home, which much to her surprise was a large Mansion like structure. Upon gaining entry and asking if Lincoln wished to join and play with her from a little bit, Lynn soon finds out that William Lord used to be a commercial pilot that flew for Concord at the time of the 90s, and becomes even more excited the more she learns on Lincoln's true family.

Upon being granted permission to hang with Lincoln, Lynn deeper into the house and is astounded on how big it is, and even how advanced it is.

Finding Lincoln in his room listening to a YouTube Video, Lincoln agrees to join Lynn and the 2 make their way to Roga City Park in order to shoot some hoops together, something that the duo hadn't done in over 8 months. When they arrive Lynn decides to have a little fun with Lincoln and bet out their game, claiming that if Lincoln were able to score more then her, she would do anything he wanted, but if she won, Lincoln would have to go on a date with her, and pay for everything, Lincoln agrees and the 2 begin their challenge, with Lynn getting the first 2 points, but then Lincoln scoring as well ending with the duo ending up in a tie, but just as they were going to continue their game, Karen ruins it much to Lincoln's disgusts and annoyance, Lynn is confused at first, until she sees the way Lynn is treating her friend, and automatically becomes counter aggressive, but Lincoln calms her, stating that Karen's are braindead idiots that can't understand human language, and that she is wasting her time by arguing with her.

In a huff, Lynn tells Lincoln that she is going off court to get a drink of water, before leaving the area, only for an enraged Karen to retaliate against Lincoln by striking him with a bat and gloating at him when he is on the ground all bloody. The sound of the baseball strike caught Lynn's attention as she raced back to the court only to see Lincoln on the ground in a bloody mess. Angered Lynn turns red, but tries to restrain herself from hunting down and attacking Karen in retaliation by Holding Lincoln in her arms with his head resting on her lap. At first this seems to work, as Lynn despite remaining red as a volcano, did not try to hunt down Karen, but when Karen returned to gloat at Lincoln again, Lynn once again tried to hold herself back, threatening that if she went any where near him, she would be dead.

Despite her warnings, Karen is too prideful, and threatens Lincoln after he tells her off on her stupidity, and goes as far as to assaulting him right in Lynn's arms. This attack is shatter's Lynn's calm side, as she gently places Lincoln down on the ground and proceeds to viciously attack Karen, to the point she flew against a Tree breaking parts of her skull, Karen is in horror as Lynn attacks her again breaking several of her ribs, before Yanking her by the shirt and violently slamming her against the tree gloating at her, but just as she is about to finish her off, Lincoln stops her and tells her that he doesn't want his friend to end up in Juvenile Hall all because of a braindead moron who can't behave. Finally calming down, Lynn threatens to destroy Karen if she catches her around Lincoln again before punching her out of her sight much to the enlightment of Lincoln, who declared Justice is back.

In a way to cheer up the Lincoln is willing to continue their challenge on who can get the most basket ball hoop, but Lynn after witnessing all of the pain and Trauma Lincoln went through, decides to cancel the Challenge and that she would be returning him back home, and that they will try again some other time much to the annoyance and disproval of Lincoln, who declares that Karen's always ruins everyone's day just by existing.

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