MESSENGER OF TRUTH (Original Bluewater description with my comment note added - Marcum)

1 year ago

(Note: Why does the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (CH21 with superior brain) suddenly need donations through the hokey “Buy me a coffee” money scheme? Why does the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) state that reptilians reversed engineered 5D technology originally drawing positive energy from the ether with 70s tech integrated within the buildings? Somehow in this 5D tech was reversed engineered to now suck our positive energy into negative energy to these interdimensional reptilians through the ether. I thought the frequency was too high in 5D for the negative reptilians to manifest? So exact how are they drawing energy from the 5D tech or existing in that higher frequency? Where is there any evidence that this 5D reversed engineered tech is in any of our buildings in our present 3D world or within his described domed world, there certainly would not be possible to have chips, capacitors, resisters and 70s transistors integrated throughout older stone buildings or cities?
Why would the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) expose his family of five kids by exposing his real name to the world? Why would the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) now expose his family and children to the public taunting and scrutiny? Why would the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) state that only he is correct and all the truthers stole his knowledge and are now condemned to the 3D world because of their greed for money? Why would the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) publicly chastise his children’s teachers/schools and then threaten to sue them or anyone that opposes his viewpoints?
Why would the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) need to visit or vacation with Linda Paris and Bluewater in the USA? Does the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) realize that any non-citizen of the US needs to be fully vaxxed to enter the country including any of his children. Why would the MESSENGER OF TRUTH (with superior brain) state that everyone needs to stop feeding/donating the charLIE ward club /witches and clowns on BITCH u Te and now needs to feed/donate to them through “Buy me a coffee” and somehow this money is going to end up towards (RFK JR wishlist for children) or (Vaxx injured children).
If Bluewater is also so concerned for the children, why is every second or third video on his channel depicting scantly clothed women? How is this raising your frequency by constantly demeaning and sexualizing women and shooting down all truthers in every video comment? Why does CH21 and Linda support Bluewater’s demeaning of only the Christian Truthers and believers of Jesus? Sorry, none of this makes sense to me. Having said that, I am sure there are some fake scammer channels, but not all the Christian ones that need financial support.
I really like CH21 and I get a lot out of Linda’s research, but this is not going to end well. CH21 obviously has some medical A.D.D./Autistic issues. He is being egged on by both Bluewater and Linda Paris. Unfortunately, CH21 feels emboldened now because he feels everyone has his back(including unseen beings) and is invincible (in his mind) or immune to real consequences of what this evil world can do. Most within the autistic spectrum only see the world through their eyes (self-centered) and cannot cope with excessive stimuli. Listen!
Believe me, he will not be able to cope with the whirlwind he along with others has created. I really feel for and wish CH21 well, but both Bluewater and Linda should have known better. No amount of money or donations is going to fix this. Are both Bluewater and Linda going to take responsibility when this unfortunate person fully breaks down or ends up suing someone and ending up well above his head thinking he has everyone’s support? They really stepped into this one. Pray! Always diligently research and donate directly to any charity, because the world is full of scammers. Marcum – MyCatholicRedPill)

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April 24th, 2023.
Stop feeding/donating the charLIE ward club /witches and clowns on BITCH u Te TRENDING selling silver,bibles,gold and BULLSHIT
and the BALD TURKEY owner of CIA BITCH u te
link for defence for children will go to RFK JR

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