State Election Integrity Coalitions Are Saving Our Constitutional Republic

1 year ago

Cleta’s guest this week is Kathleen (“Kathy”) Harms, whose official title is co-director of the Tennessee Free and Fair Elections coalition, which is part of the Election Integrity Network. The organization is dedicated to ensuring that Tennessee’s elections are being administered lawfully and accurately.

Kathy is one of the Volunteer State’s most important volunteer leaders. She and her network are wisely focused on the basics: authenticating voters, authenticating ballots and authenticating vote counts.

Simple, right? But not easy and often not done.

Leading the EIN’s National Election Integrity Working Group on State Legislation, Kathy understands the critical importance of educating state legislatures to the problems in the election systems. The Tennessee coalition is researching, investigating and challenging election procedures in their state that discourage or even suppress voters. These include the danger of voting centers instead of precinct voting. And Kathy has been consistently educating election integrity volunteers to work with their local election offices, and to help ensure that election administrators perform their only job (administering elections,) creating positive relationships with election officials despite differences, and protecting the rights of poll observers.

This latest episode of Who’s Counting? With Cleta Mitchell is crammed with important information about how national, local and state coalitions are working together to restore election confidence. It creates a great opportunity for us to thank and congratulate all our partners who work with us on EIN’s state coalitions and through our National Working Groups. Subscribe to the podcast, share with your friends, and become part of the Election Integrity Network.

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