The Dr Chalmers Show S3 EP16 - What about fats? Who should you believe about your fat intake

1 year ago

The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 16 – Who should you believe about your fat intake, the government or your own body?

In this episode of my Insights to Wellness podcast, I talk about the fats that we intake in our diets. Not only what kind of fats, but how those fats interact with vitamins and your body is critical.

Do you remember the old charts from your elementary school health courses? The food groups in a triangle, and now compare those to the new ones from the government. Both do not tell the true story, but you can see that it has even gotten further away from reality.

The following is an automated transcript and may be edited for grammar, and please listen to the podcast for exact verbiage

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:10] The next one we're talking about is that we have to do a whole deal on basically, if the government gives you health advice, don't do it. I mean, look, okay, guys, we're good to go on that one now.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:24] So we'll talk about we'll talk about this from segment but let's let's run through this government thing. In the 80s, when I was growing up, the government came out with the American Heart Association, which is really the same group.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:40] And they said, stop eating fat, so you should only eat carbohydrates fat's going to kill you, eat your carbohydrates, sugar was fine as long as you didn't have fat and everybody was gonna be okay.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:53] We knew then and we know now that that is probably the worst possible advice you can give anybody for their heart. Yeah. To cause arterial sclerosis is going to cause diabetes, it's going to cause strokes, it can cause heart attacks, it's because all kinds of things and the biggest one is it's degeneration of your brain.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:11] Your brain is mostly fat and before smart people start saying we're all, you know, avocados. It's cholesterol. Your brain is made of cholesterol. The myelin sheaths, the little fat pad that makes your brain work is made of cholesterol.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:28] And if you're worried about Alzheimer's or Dementia or basically any degenerative issue, EMS is a big one. Any degenerative issue in the brain. When we talk about degenerative issues in the brain, what we're talking about is loss of myelin. The brain just doesn't function as well without myelin. Myelin radically increases connective function.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:49] So think of it this way without myelin, you have dial up speed with myelin you've got that for, you know, broadband, internet, you know, superfast. So you need your myelin and it's made from cholesterol.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:02:04] The idea that as a mammal, we should not eat the things our body is made out of, which is, you know, proteins and fats from other animals is I think, interesting to me that we've we've gone that route that one's not great. We need to be eating cholesterol we need to be eating animal fats. Obviously, different people on the scale on the ecto, ecto, maso endo scale are going to need different, different amounts. But we definitely 100% need cholesterol we need animal fats.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:02:37] So, you know, I keep saying all these people are you know, we keep seeing these female athletes who come in here who are trying to be vegan because that's apparently what everybody is telling them they should be. And they're exhausted and they're not doing very well in their sport and their emotions get out of sight they start going all sideways and they're just doing terrible because they're not they're having the iron because aren't eating any meat.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:03:01] And then we get them I'm like, look, just I need you to hamburger three times a week. And they're like, All right. And then two, three weeks later, like, I feel so much better. Yeah, you're getting iron. Yeah.

Dr Matt Chalmers [00:03:10] And the other thing that female athletes end up doing in females in general is they lose a lot of blood through their menses. And if they're not replacing that iron properly, then they're going to be problematic. And he'll go, Well, there's iron in spinach that is technically true, but you're not going to absorb it.

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