Listen Closely

1 year ago

God Still Speaks~ Listen Up ~ Closely ~ Heart To Heart
It is windy, loud and in our face, this is our current cultural chaos. How are we supposed to hear God? We can’t even hear ourselves think! There is so much chaos swirling around us, but God has not stop speaking, He has not stopped navigating us. If we slow down, if we stop trying to fix things, if we yield to God, listen up closely, heart to heart, we can hear Him, that still small, miraculous voice that is heard in the winds of our time. God still speaks. Open the Bible, sit with Him, let His Holy Spirit speak powerfully through His Word. Speak the name of Jesus, He is the disrupter of Chaos, He brings peace into the middle of our storms. Listen up to the Prophets of our time, He is speaking through them, navigating us by His Word. He has not stop speaking, we have stopped listening closely, we are hard of hearing. God still speaks. Get heart to heart with Him, listen closely for that still small voice of God.

Think of it this way, this video has a lot of wind in it, but if you want to hear my voice, you listen in closely and you can hear it in the wind, God is in the storm, He has not left us, His voice is in the wind, listen up closely, God is still speaking, He is never not speaking, He is never not navigating us. When we want to hear, we listen up closely.

Deception of our time is throughout the all of our lives. Our national media lies, our own corrupted government officials are craftily designing the stealing of our freedom, and the cultural chaos of deception among us all is like the angry sea, it is loud, it is crashing onto the shores of our lives, touching us all where we live in ways that are so very uncomfortable. Yet, God still speaks, still navigates, still has not left us, nor forsaken us to the way of the angry seas of our time. Maybe we need to step out of our comfort zone and listen up closely to God.

God still speaks, His power is available to us. There is power in the name of Jesus, pray it up. There is power in the Word of God, pray it up. There is power in the Holy Spirit, Christ in us, the hope of glory, pray it up to Him. Listen Up Closely. There is power in the prophets He has chosen to give us the news before the news, (Julie Green Ministries) to prepare our hearts in wisdom, strength, courage and faith. God Still Speaks. Listen Up, Heart To Heart with Him, in personal, vital-vertical relationship with God. You will hear that still small voice and it will be clear, concise and revelational for times such as these.

The wind whips around us, the chaos of the angry waves of our enemy crashing into the shores, all of this is so very loud, yet we can still hear the still small voice of God above it all. God Still Speaks. Human beings speak a lot of words, words, words, BUT when God speaks, things change up.

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