Two Hours One Life (2HOL) Gameplay - Anna Peters - Eve Life - Here's a pic of my grandson XD

1 year ago

0:00 Birth
My mother was Eve Peters. I thought we were starting from literally nothing but we did end up in a primitive living area with some resources. There were a few family members around. I had all daughters: Zenovia, Ford, Delara, Mysterious, and Karen

3:45 Arrived in "town"
There was couple of forges and one stove. No farm or well yet.

4:39 Finding Skewer and setting waypoint
5:10 Adding Stones to the Spring site
6:20 Rabbit Net requested?
Don't know what a rabbit net is and couldn't find in the crafting guide so couldn't help with that.

6:56 Exploring the surrounding area
Gathering resources but mostly stone for the well

14:50 Need Shovel
After gathering 10 stones, you need shovel so I couldn't finish this well.

9:40 Planting Gooseberry:
Knife + Gooseberry = Gooseberry seed (Knife instead of Flint (OHOL))

19:00 Planting Carrot
25:26 Making Omelettes
1. Goose Egg + Hot Flat Rock = Cooked Omelette
2. Plate + Cooked Omelette = Plated Omelette

40:07 Making Clay Bowls and Plates
40:11 Zenovia is born
42:24 Ford was born (Foodie)
She never liked her name unfortunately. Autocorrect messed it up.

51:19 Shallow Well was made
Stones x 10 + Spring + Shovel = Shallow Well

54:46 Planting Gooseberry

57:14 Opening the Ore Vein into Mining Pit
Need a stanchion kit to get it started

58:06 Delara was born (Delaware)

1:01:25 Cutting down trees for firewood
1:04:36 Mysterious was born (Mysteria)
Baelynn my grandson was born similar time and unfortunately she had a look of baby hitler if I had to guess. Just missing the mustache XD.

1:08:31 Karen was born
She was Lea my niece reborn.

1:11:25 Planting Cotton
1:12:44 Evelynn was born
New player.

1:17:18 Planting Corn
1:18:12 Making Stew
Someone had started it so we finished it together.

1:19:48 Found Wild Bean Plant
I thought we were missing it so I went ahead and found it and planted it.

1:26:44 Making Stanchion Kit
By the time I came back with Long Shaft, someone had made the fence kit already.

1:28:10 Making Bucket for the Kit
Now I know why I started naming Bow Saw a Bone Saw because 2HOL names it that lol.

1:29:33 Mining
1:33:36 Finding more milkweed for rope
By the time I came back the next stanchion kit was made already for the Deep Well.

1:37:34 Massive Baby Deaths
Someone was bombarding us with dying so we had a lot of bonemeal thanks to him.

1:42:35 Making Handcart
First one ever for this town.

1:48:14 Making Spinning Wheel
1. Curved Shaft + Short Shaft = Short and Curved Shaft
2. Short and Curved Shaft + Wooden Wheel = Clothing Wheel
3. Do it until you have a wheel so 4 times in total.

1:55:00 Planting Milkweed
Getting short on rope so planting just in case. Found only two seeds. Managed to get more seeds before I died.

1:56:00 Spinning Wheel Incomplete
We made the partial frame but I mistakenly thought you needed to make it into a square but it needed to be partial frame with more shafts apparently. Died before I could see it completed.

1:59:00 Retirement kind of. Worked until the very end.

Was kind of interesting to see the entire town build up. It was quick transition from barely surviving and not being able to yum to resource abundance and many children =).

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