1 year ago

MOST OF Israel’s population is Ashkenazi Jews, yet the average IQ of Israel is 94 or 95. The Ashkenazi Jews who are tested in the United States often score much higher, around 115. I’m not sure what’s going on with that, and I would very much like to hear a (true) explanation.

Some of my detractors have called me a bigot, but I’m not a bigot at all. I’m a racist. I prefer my own race to all others, in friendship, in business, in marriage. I approve of the fact that Whites are superior to most, if not all, other races in the ways we are indeed superior. I don’t hold illusions about race: I dispel them. I’m not a prejudiced man; I’m a man who knows what the facts really are.

However intelligent the Jews might be — and there is some reason to question that — it wasn’t the Jewish race that introduced the Earth’s peoples to each other. It was the White race. Although Jewish scientists have done significant work in the physical sciences, White scientists and engineers have done more. Whites are great explorers. Jews are mostly just great exploiters, and lazy ones at that, as their principal method is usury.

If the Jews disappeared from Earth, most of the world would sigh in relief at first, and later forget that the Jews ever existed. If we Whites disappeared from Earth, some of the other peoples on Earth would cheer at first, but as time went by they’d wish we were back because we, not Jews, are the ones that kept the civilized world civilized and running on time.

When a sufficient number of genetic markers is used, and the placement in allele-space of a great many individual human beings is plotted on a graph, it will be observed that most of mankind clusters into groupings. Those groupings are the graphical representation of the races.

Not every individual will appear amid such a grouping, however. Some individuals will be found in the interracial voids of the allele-space. It’s very much with individuals and races as it is with stars and galaxies. Although we find the highest density of stars in galaxies, there are some stars between the galaxies also. The existence of extra-galactic stars does not mean that galaxies do not exist, and anyone who argues to the contrary will get funny looks and be lampooned in images showing him speaking with smug “authority” in front of a background that shows a big spiral galaxy, or perhaps the Hubble Deep Field.

* * *

Catching on to the Jews

SHOCK is when white people lose faith in the system, in a political and social structure that they previously thought was there to serve them, after they discover that this system works selectively against white people.

That structure works 90% of the time as the conventional theory, which you learned in high school civics class, calls for it to work. But at selected times the conventional theory breaks down and does something completely different. You gradually recognize a pattern in the exceptions, which causes you to feel that there is something wrong, that something sneaky is going on.

Finally, you figure it out. And then you’re a white nationalist.

When the agents of the system realize that You Know, you become an enemy of the state.

The Jews are at the end of the trail of political discovery. But there are many detours, roadblocks, and illusions on the way there. The Jews have been playing the same game — usury leading to slavery, sowing corruption to get political dominance — in many nations for many centuries, and they are very good at it.

Deception is the central component of the Jewish social strategy. As a people, they’ve adapted to the role of parasite, though a very intelligent one. Think of vampires, except with money and labor instead of blood, and you’ll have a very good mental picture of the Jews.

If you want further details, the History Reviewed Channel on Youtube (here) provides them in a series of videos:

Jews 101, Jews 102, Jews 103, Jews 104, Jew Shock.

The creator of the videos on the History Reviewed Channel lives in South Africa. He lived through the time when the Jews were trying to facilitate the transfer of political power in that country from whites to blacks. His familiarity with Jews and their attitudes, habits, and methods makes him someone to be listened to.

Never let Jews convince you that antisemitic is synonymous with false. That isn’t the case. A statement can be antisemitic and true at the same time. Furthermore, any effort at making it seem as if all antisemitic statements must necessarily be false is itself suspicious and likely to be an effort at deception.

Indeed, much of the speech that has been called antisemitic has been nothing more than correct information that the Jews find inconvenient for other people to know. But since those antisemitic statements ARE TRUE, they can’t really…

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