Intra-body nano-network - Part 4 of 5 - Intra-body nano-network - Part 4 of 5 - Possible Uses: Mind-control & Population control: Neurosurveillance, Neuromodulation, Neurostimulation, Human connectivity

1 year ago

Intra-body nano-network - Mik Andersen, via a synthesized voice puts together a hypothesis based on the scientific literature regarding nanotechnology, to compare with what has been discovered in Prof Campra's research of the studied vials.

Full Presentation: (24 mins)
Download Intra-body nano-network - Brief Summary by Mik Andersen:

What’s In The Vials? (Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra)
Download - FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT ON GRAPHENE DETECTION IN COVID VACCINES where the presence of Graphene Oxide is determined in the samples from Pfzer, Astrazeneca, Moderna and Janssen

Part One: Summary & MAC phenomenon (3min)
Summarizes the presentation and gives instructions on how to test the Bluetooth/MAC address phenomenon for yourself.

Part Two: Intra-Body Nano-Network: Graphene quantum dots / Nanonodes (3min)
Introduces micro or nanoscale devices using graphene quantum dots, which, if present inside the human body can make up an Intracorporal Wireless Network of Nano Communications.

Part Three: Micro/Nanointerface, Micro/Nano routers/sensors, TS-OOK signals, Gateway. (5min)
The main evidence - this section is really the meat & potatoes of the presentation. It goes through what is in the scientific literature regarding micro and nano sensors, carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphene oxide nanosheets, Micro and Nano routers. micro antennas or plasmonic nanoantennae microsensors, micro node signals (TS-OOK) and how our phone, tablet or can be used as the gateway.

Part Four: Possible Uses: Mind-control & Population control: Neurosurveillance, Neuromodulation, Neurostimulation, Human connectivity (4min)
Hypothesizing if this technology is in us, what it could be used for.

Part Five: Possible Uses: Social Credit System, Eugenics, Targeted traceless weapon, & Refs (3min)
Continues hypothesizing if this technology is in us, what it could be used for on a more devastating level regarding population control, selective genocide, and eugenics. This post also contains the references he listed in his presentation. (4min)
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