Why you can't load your mind into a computer to live forever

1 year ago

I think we should get away from the idea of uploading the mind to a computer. It seems as if the mind is very mystified on the one hand, but on the other hand we have to assume that nothing in the mind is mystical, but everything is clearly definable and mathematical. This is the only way to transfer it to a computer. A computer is not mystical. It is based on pure mathematical logic.

Personally, I think that a mind and our whole reality is mathematical and not mystical. Mystical appear things that we do not yet understand. Like in a magician show that loses its magic as soon as one understands the trick.

That means that theoretically nothing stands in the way to load the mind into a computer to live forever. But that only makes sense as long as one has a false understanding of one's deeper self.

In my Theory of Everything I also describe different levels of what can be understood as the self. In short: The first understanding is the physical body, which some want to teleport. Then the inner thoughts, sensations, experiences, perceptions. So the mind, which some want to transfer into a computer. As third stage the process which observes the mind from the inside. So the soul.
Now let's assume we would do that. We scan our mind and transfer it from the brain to a computer. Or that we can be disassembled by a teleportation machine into all individual particles and scanned to send every single piece of information of our body to another place, in order to be reassembled there exactly as we were before.

What if your information is sent to two teleportation machines and you appear in two different places? Or hundred? Or when your mind is transferred to a computer. What if you just copy it and let it exist 1000 times?

Then which of them are you? From which of the thousand copies would you hear the thoughts from within? Just like the inner thoughts you can hear from within right now.

If everyone is in one room and everyone communicates with each other. Would you then observe all of their inner thoughts from within at the same time?

I do not think so. Because these are all copies. Clones that have your memory and state of mind as the basis of their development. Then they make their own experiences. But you are dead. You don't hear any of their thoughts.

The assumption that one can transfer the self to a computer only makes sense if one defines the self as the mind.

I personally think that the mind works mathematically and that it can be simulated. But if a mind would be transferred to a computer, it would be overall just a bunch of information, which partly changed frequently in the lifetime. A psychological framework of data on whether one is more introverted or extroverted, empathic or cold, rational and creative, etc. Then a database of memories, which generates the behaviors that one has adapted through experiences. We would end up simply defining the variables of an empty virtual mind with the values of a person's mental base and then filling the AI's empty memories with that person's memories.

In summary: I think it is possible to transfer the mind to a computer and maybe even the teleportation of people, but it would only be a copy whose experiences and thoughts would not be observed by the original individual from the inside anymore.

That opens up another question for me. The idea that I could transfer my self to a computer makes no sense to me. But what is with the question if the observation/soul can be detached from the logical chain reactions of our brain and transferred behind other chain reactions in nature? How about looking into a mountain from beyond our physical reality like our soul observes the inside of the brain?

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