May 15, 2010 🎺 The Lord says... Workers in My Fields, rejoice, for The Lord of the Vineyard comes

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Workers in My Fields, rejoice, for The Lord of the Vineyard comes

May 15, 2010 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for Timothy and his Wife, and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Question asked by Timothy, for his wife… Lord, are we not called to trumpet this Pentecost, as the others in the flock, because we have done something wrong, or because we have been judgmental?

[YahuShua answered] Behold, I have sent into My vineyard, husbandmen, and one who is to be as a chief husbandman… And those, who are sent, are the same, who came seeking that they might serve. Behold, The Lord over the harvest had sent out a call, to all lands, that laborers should come and work in His fields…

For the laborers are few, for many labor, yet are not of this field. They serve another master, seeking only to serve themselves. Behold, they have grown fat and large, and hate the smaller vineyards and the laborers thereof. For the quality and value of the wine, produced in the small vineyards, is much greater, with the early and latter rains abundant in their seasons. And so the small vineyards are persecuted, by those large in number… Yea, they are hated by the multitudes.

Beloved, you are of the small in number, where the wine is superior and the rains abundant. And your husband is appointed as a chief husbandman, over this field and its laborers… For he listens to The Master, and delivers His commands, and makes His wishes known… And you transcribe what he receives from the Master, so it may be delivered to the workers.

Therefore, the one whom The Master appoints, as both a servant and a lord over the harvest, enters not the field, but stands outside relaying The Master’s orders, with his helper beside him.

And if the laborers hate the chief husbandman, who The Master has appointed, because he hears The Master’s voice and has obeyed Him, have not evil thoughts entered their hearts, causing them to judge unrighteously?… For one, who hates any I appoint, hates Me also, for I am He who has commanded and sent them… The Master shall be their judge.

And husbandmen, such as these, who harbor evil thoughts, shall be fired and taken out of the harvest and left standing outside, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth… By this shall the faithful and the unfaithful be made known.

For all flocks shall be tested… Even all, who call of themselves by My own name, shall be sifted, no matter their number, whether great or small.

So then, you ask if you are set outside, due to your heart?… No, you remain within the gates. And you shall indeed make intercession, with many supplications, for those who are in the field and for those whose hearts have turned from Me… Is this not also the job of the chief husbandman and of his helper? For one appointed, over any flock or group of laborers, also speaks to The Master on the flock’s behalf… Or have you forgotten what The Scriptures say, concerning the apostles and the saints? (Ephesians 6:18 and Acts 6:4).

Let this be known to you, also, Beloved… As Timothy is appointed, as a chief husbandman over this harvest, not yet going into these fields, likewise shall he be a husbandman in the next harvest, with The Chief Husbandman set over him. Therefore, the one who spoke to the laborers, and for the laborers, shall become the laborer in the second harvest, speaking to the harvest on the behalf of The Land Owner, speaking as The Land Owner, with His Master’s words placed in his mouth…

For in that day the laborers and The Master shall be one, with laborers few compared with the number of the harvest. And they shall be for Me, My hands and My feet, and mouthpieces of The Most High God.

Therefore, see with greater eyes, and rejoice in My commands, for they accomplish My will… Amen. Beloved, the very thing, over which you were concerned, serves as an antidote… For judging another man’s servant is sin, and is like poison, yet judging one’s own judgment toward others, renders this poison neutral and of non-effect… Even as checks and balances… Right discernment, according to that which the Spirit reveals.

Seek My face, therefore, and obey My will… Give heed to My voice and see with My eyes, even as I have told you already… Like the dove on the high branch… And be at peace, and trust… And KNOW, I am The Lord. Rejoice!… For The Lord of the vineyard comes!

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