How would you feel if people arrested for domestic violence had to register like sex offenders do?

1 year ago

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How would you feel if people arrested for domestic violence had to register like sex offenders do?
Arrested doesn't mean convicted. Surely you meant convicted, right?
I'm immediately suspicious of any initiative that has *no other purpose* besides publicizing bad things someone has done (or even just *allegedly* done) to make them a pariah. Because God knows if there's anything we needed *more* of, it's witch hunts.The law exists to *curb* mankind's shittier nature, not *indulge* it.
The sex offender registry has been a civil rights disaster. It's time for it to go, not to expand it. So I'd be totally opposed.Any time you think you've got a group of people that is so bad you can do whatever you want to them, take a step back.
Like it's a shit idea. The sex offender list is also a flocking stupid idea that's broken as hell. Half the people on it were minors flocking other minors who had pissed off parents and similar stupid shit that nobody should rightly care about but the people involved.
Shitty idea. If you served your time, you should at least have an opportunity to turn your life around. Our country is obsessed with punishing people. It's gross. Too many people here would rather get a cheap revenge boner over stupid shit like this than work on things that would improve the quality of life here and reduce crime/violence across the board.
In some states and municipalities you can get a domestic violence charge for breaking your own property while in an argument.
I think registering for anything after serving your sentence is bullshit. If someone is so much a threat they can't be within a certain area or has a high chance of repeating, don't let them out of prison in the first place. Once you've done the time, having a scarlett letter that follows you around the rest of your life should be unconstitutional.
That's a horrible idea.
We have that in the UK, it’s called Clare’s Law and you can request information about a man you know/are seeing and the police have to tell you if he’s ever been convicted of DV before
In the UK, we have something called Clare's law requests. If you are concerned about your current partner you can get in touch with the police for them to disclose any DV incidents in the past. It won't go into detail but it's all there.Criminal records don't get wiped until the person reach there 100th birthday, with the exception of some of the most serious of crimes.
Preferably they would be convicted first before registering, but I'm all for it. Please note that I have no experience with domestic abuse and cannot speak for those who have.
In the UK we have Clare's Law where you can request a search for a partner's name (if you feel there is a risk of violence) and see if they have any previous record of domestic violence.
Sure, lets take a piece of already crap legislation and expand it.
I dunno man. My buddy is on the sex offenders list because be was peeing in a park at 2am. People immediately think he's some kind of rapist/child molester.
What could possibly go wrong?
Fuck no. Fuck these lists. These lists are all bullshit anyway, they're just a product of an obsession with punishment instead of justice or rehabilitation. If you've served your time, your case should be closed and can't be seen by anyone unless you're on trial for a related crime.
I think nobody would ever marry a cop again

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