Personal Leadership

1 year ago

Any description of leadership is one of personal leadership. It is inherent in you,
an integral part of you, even as most teens don't realize it, or even believe it.
But you will witness your personal leadership now. Keep reading.

This is the simple definition of leadership: TO INFLUENCE. You may be learning
this for the first time.

It's not complicated, nor is it exclusive.

Leadership is often associated with individuals in authority: a president, a mayor,
or a teacher; however, true leadership extends beyond titles. It resides within every
individual - in you - waiting to be acknowledged, recognized, and activated.

Your personal leadership begins, not with a culturally accepted designation, as in
a high school diploma or college degree, but at birth.

As a newborn, you already lead - influence - by gently forcing your mother to
respond to your every hand gesture, every whimper, and every facial expression.
The best-seller, INSPIRATION FOR TEENS, is a leadership book for everyone,
with over 200 life lessons that reveal your personal leadership.

You already influence and make an impact in your own unique way. Your inherent
leadership quality to influence can contribute to your personal growth and progress.
It is up to you as to how you will influence others as well as yourself.

Keep in mind that leadership is not a trait limited to a select few; it resides within
each and every one of us. We all have the potential to lead in various aspects
of our lives, whether it be through self-awareness, relationships, problem-solving,
resilience, or simply making an impact.

Acknowledging your inherent leadership qualities can contribute to your personal
growth and inspire others. By recognizing the leader within yourself, you can
create a world where your influences and contributions are valued and celebrated.

By contrast, you cannot ignore the truth of being an influence: you can choose evil
over good. You can influence others to entertain evil thoughts that translate into
evil acts.
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Personal leadership, as defined here, destroys the monopoly of leadership
enjoyed by business schools and military institutions.

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