People who should never own dogs!!!

1 year ago

#pitbullattacks #pitbull #dogtraining

Our video today will focus on the people who should never own a dog. Dogs require more than just food, water, and exercise. In other words, keeping a dog is a huge responsibility. If you aren't sure you're ready to put in the time and effort, it's best not to own a dog. Before owning a dog, the person should be confident enough to handle it. One needs to know the history of the specific breed that they are going to own, and the amount of effort and time they may have to put in to have a well balanced dog. Bad ownership leads to dog attacks and this puts both the owner and the public at a risk.

In the first clip the man should've known his pitbulls are dog aggressive and should've avoided bringing them to a busy street. The pitbull owner had no control over his pitbulls. And as soon as they saw another man walking down the street with his Russel Terrier, they were ready to attack it. Fair enough that the man was trying to hold back his pitbull, by holding it from the collar. But low quality collar snapped with only couple of pulls by the pitbull.

In the second clip , a lady was having an argument with a man over bringing his aggressive dogs to a residential area. While the man was having an argument , his other friend decided to unleash his pitbull on the lady. Luckily the dog didn't go after the lady as she quickly flee the scene. However, the man who started an argument with her and who must've been justifying his action of letting loose his pitbull in a residential area got attacked by his own pitbull. Out of frustration , the angry pitbull attacked his own owner and grabbed hold of his hand. He got the taste of his own medicine within no time, as they say Karma is a bitch.

In the next clip again a pitbull owner was walking his pitbulls with no leash on and they attacked a poddle. Poddle owner laid on top of his dog , to protect it from the attacking pitbulls. We just can't understand that why would someone walk their dog aggressive pitbulls without a leash in public places. And it's not just about pitbulls , any dog breed that has anger issues and can be a potential threat to other pets or public should always be kept on a leash at all times in public places. Luckily an old man was around at the time, and he threw the leash that came off of the poodle, to the pitbull owner and asked him to put it on one of his pits.

In the next clip both the Rottweiler and pitbull owners, failed to understand the body language of their dogs which could've ended up really bad for both dogs. As you can hear the Rott's owner saying "He's pretty chill, he's wagging his tail". Tail wagging doesn't always mean that the dogs are in a friendly mood or are ok about what's going on around them.

In the next clip a pitbull owner purposely unleashed his dog on a cat. Luckily the cat got away before pitbull can get to it. Now these are the kind of owners that we always talk about. It's not the breed that's to be blamed in most cases, bad ownership leads to lot of dog attacks. In 80% cases it's the owners that are responsible for dog attacks. In wrong hands any powerful breed can be dangerous.

In the next clip another stupid owner who left their front door open for his pitbulls to walk out of the gate. We won't believe it for a second, if someone says this would be the first time his dogs behaved like that. These dogs must have a history of being aggressive towards people in the street. Yet the irresponsible owner didn't care much and left the gate open for them to escape. As soon as they came out of the front gate of their house, they ran towards a woman who was passing through the street.
Luckily a man was around that time, who rushed to grab hold of the dogs.

An irresponsible dog owner shall be penalized in one or all of the following ways.

They shall be ordered to surrender all of their dogs to animal control authorities and to refrain from owning one in future.

Or government should pass a law of having a license before owning certain dog breeds. Their should be a proper training and test at the end, so that every Tom, Dick and Harry doesn't own a breed that they can't even control.

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