Anti-Abortion Trump Judge Makes WILD Accusation Against Biden Administration

1 year ago

Professor at Drexel Law School, David Cohen, joins the program to discuss the recent ruling against a safe abortion drug.

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Could you give our audience a summary of what has happened over the past few days? Absolutely the way medication abortion Works in this country is that there are two drugs: Mifepristone is the first drug and misoprostol is the second drug. These lawsuits were all about that first drug, methopristone. The FDA approved it back in 2000 to be used in abortions. and a group of conservative doctors filed a lawsuit in Texas saying that the FDA unlawfully approved this drug and never should have done it because it's not safe according to them and the FDA should have known that. Now all of the science shows that this is an incredibly safe and effective drug. but this conservative group used anti-abortion studies and really sort of fake science to say to this judge that you should say that the FDA acted improperly. And on Friday afternoon this judge who was hand-picked filed it in a very particular location in Texas to get this very conservative judge. and he agreed with them. He said that the FDA acted improperly and that the FDA's approval needs to be stayed which means put on hold while the entire case goes forward. Because this is just an initial ruling. But importantly he said I Will Wait seven days for this opinion to take effect. Because he's going to let the parties appeal the case. so for now there's no difference in abortion provision in this country. But if Friday Night comes and goes without any other courts weighing in there might be. Gotcha. So there's the seven-day waiting period that allows the Biden Administration to appeal. So I'd like to talk a bit about the opinion and how this right-wing judge appointed by Trump, Matthew Kacsmaryk in Texas, what he used in terms of some of his reasoning behind this. I mean my sense is that he simply basically copy and pasted what the plaintiffs were arguing. yeah, he really did. I suggest going into this a lot of us feared that this judge who has a very ideological and activist anti-abortion background we feared that he would let that rule the day. We hoped that wouldn't be the case. But we feared that would and our fears came true. he used the language of the anti-abortion movement he talked about instead of talking about fetuses he talked about unborn human beings. He talked about abortionists rather than abortion providers. He accused the Biden administration of engaging in eugenics. He just described the procedure by talking about babies being killed. So he really just bought the anti-abortion movement's arguments and language Hook Line and Sinker. And he used studies that were not peer-reviewed that were based on websites where people self-reported they're being unhappy with abortions that they had. As opposed to peer-reviewed science that is respected in the field. He picked and he chose what he wanted and he overruled the FDA.

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