What was Prince Charles - now King Charles Speaking About at the World Leaders COP26 Conference?

1 year ago

Prince - now King Charles Joins World Leaders at COP26

This is how these lying, lunatic buffoons sell their bullshit to their puppet world "leaders." I hope people can see what they really are saying. This is how they strategize to get the sheep to comply to their agenda. Now they are hinting to use militaries - which is one arm of their NWO and they control them all.

He is saying they have pretty much an infinite amount of $$ to bribe the gullible sheep.

Here is the transcript and I break it down to what it really means.

Your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how devastating a global cross border threat can be. Climate change and biodiversity loss are no different. In fact, they pose an even greater existential threat to the extent that we have to put ourselves on what might be called a war like footing. Having myself had the opportunity of consulting many of you over these past 18 months, I know you all carry a heavy burden on your shoulders and you do not need me to tell you that the eyes and hopes of the world are upon you to act with all dispatch and decisively because time has quite literally run out. The recent IPCC Report gave us a clear diagnosis of a scale of the problem. We know what we must do.

With a growing global population creating ever increasing demand on the planet’s finite resources, we have to reduce emissions urgently and take action to tackle the carbon already in the atmosphere, including from coal fired power stations. (*Blaming the sheep for global warming carbon emissions and telling them it's time for the culling.)

Putting a value on carbon, thus making carbon capture solutions more economical, is therefore absolutely critical. Similarly, after billions of years of evolution, nature is our best teacher. In this regard, restoring natural capital, accelerating nature-based solutions, and leveraging the circular bio economy will be vital to our efforts. As we tackle this crisis, our efforts cannot be a series of independent initiatives running in parallel. (*Telling them to achieve this grand illusion they have to work in Lockstep.)

The scale and scope of the threat we face call for a global systems level solution based on radically transforming our current fossil fuel-based economy to one that is genuinely renewable and sustainable. (*Pushing their electric vehicle bullshit.)

So, ladies and gentlemen, my plea today is for countries to come together to create the environment that enables every sector of industry to take the action required. We know this will take trillions, not billions of dollars. (*They will use all the $$.)

We also know that countries, many of whom are burdened by growing levels of debt, simply cannot afford to go green.

3:20 Mark: Here we need a vast military style campaign to marshall the strength of the global private sector, with trillions at HIS disposal far beyond global GDP, and with the greatest respect, beyond even the governments of the world’s leaders. It offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition. (**Who is His? “with trillions at HIS disposal”) (*They are going for BROKE to achieve this, money will NOT be a concern to achieving this agenda.) (**But once again, Who is HIS?? Satan? He did say “His.”)

So how do we do it?

First, how do we get the private sector all pulling in the same direction? (*How do we present our lies, our deception our grand illusion to convince the sheep to follow our lead with little to no resistance. We need to know what these fckrs are saying.) (*They are doing a Global Reset. What better way to get the sheep to follow than to offer Debt Forgiveness? Even though the debt is FRAUD in the first place, but the sheep don’t know this.)

After nearly two years now of consultation, CEOs have told me that we need to bring together global industries to map out in very practical terms what it will take to make the transition. (*The CEOs are NWO - UN controlled puppets that follow orders or removed - it has always been a "my way or the highway approach.)

We know from the pandemic that the private sector can speed up timelines dramatically when everyone agrees on the urgency and the direction. (*Explaining what they learned from their imaginary global plandemic in which they did the flu switcheroo -- Charles is saying - "our mainstream media propaganda was VERY Effective - the sheep ran to get the jabs.)

So, each sector needs a clear strategy to speed up the process of getting innovations to market. (*Saying they will have more solutions for the perceived problems that will soon present.)

Second, who pays and how? We need to align private investment behind these industry strategies to help finance the transition efforts, which means building the confidence of investors so that the financial risk is reduced. (*Charles is telling his world minions that they must do their part in convincing their sheep to believe their bullshit, if they do, they will finance their own demise.)

Crucially, investment is needed to help transition from coal to clean energy. If we can develop a pipeline of many more sustainable and bankable projects at a sufficient scale, it will attract greater investment. (*Charles saying - if we offer $$ for our agenda projects the confused, leaderless dumb sheep will take on our projects.)

Third, which switches do we flick to enable these objectives? (*He is asking the question, how do we get this started.)

More than 300 of the world’s leading CEOs and institutional investors have told me that alongside the promises countries have made, their nationally determined contributions, they need clear market signals, agree globally so that they have the confidence to invest without the goal posts suddenly moving. This is the framework I’ve offered in the Terra Carta Roadmap, created by my Sustainable Markets Initiative, with nearly 100 specific actions for acceleration. (*He is saying the controlled Institutional Investors - aka, Warren Buffett, Black Rock, etc will pave the way - everyone will quickly follow the big fish.)

Together, we are working to drive trillions of dollars in support of transition across 10 of the most emitting and polluting industries. They include energy, agriculture, transportation, health systems, and fashion. (*He is outlining the problematic industries and prioritizing objectives.)

The reality of today’s global supply chains means that industry transition will affect every country and every producer in the world. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the private sector is ready to play its part and to work with governments to find a way forward. (***He is obviously hinting at previous private agenda meetings, that they have the sheep exactly where they want them. They are totally ready to COMPLY once we present the polycrisis event and offer the grand Solution.) (*This is scary as he is very confident that the sheep will take the solution and gladly comply with their governments.)

Your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, many of your countries I know are already feeling the devastating impact of climate change through ever increasing droughts, mudslides, floods, hurricanes, cyclones, and wildfires, as we’ve just seen on that terrifying film.

Any leader who has had to confront such life-threatening challenges knows that the cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of prevention. (*Charles way of telling his minions to follow his plans or else.)

So, I could only urge you as the world’s decision makers to find practical ways of overcoming differences so we can all get down to work together to rescue this precious planet and save the threatened future of our young people. Thank you. (*Once again hinting that the overpopulated sheep are their #1 problem.)

They are blaming climate change on the sheep. This climate change is cyclic, they know it, but they use it to get the world leaders on board. They probably don't buy it as truth but they know it's an agenda goal and know they would be removed from power or worse if they fail to go along.

The temperature is actually going to cool way down in the next couple of decades. 20 years we will be entering an ice age beginning in Canada.

If you watch the whole video those who are awake can easily detect the evil.

Charles is the obvious leader, they intentionally mix the speaking order as this is on youtube.

If you watch all the speakers the agenda is clear and some are well trained...very Nazi like conditioned.

To watch all the bullshit - see full video of all the speakers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPUFxzD-D5k

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