BRAVE MI WOMAN Fights to Stop Chinese Battery Plant From Being Built In Her Small Community

1 year ago

Lori Brock is a BRAVE single mom and a realtor. She also happens to own a 150-acre ranch next door to property that's been purchased with Michigan taxpayer dollars to build a Chinese battery company. When Lori was alerted about the Chinese battery factory's plans to build in her small community, she began to investigate them and what she found is incredibly alarming. The battery plant, that Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is pushing on the small farm and outdoors community is located on the third largest watershed in Michigan, yet curiously, leftist environmental groups have completely ignored the risks local residents and citizens in the state of Michigan face if the plans to construct this CHINA-owned battery plant is allowed to progress. In addition to the national security risks of having a foreign company that has pledged its allegiance to a Communist country in their local community, the largest National Guard training facility in America is less than 100 miles away. Lori Brock, who says she could probably sell her property to the Chinese battery plant for around $30 million, is standing firm on her belief that the plant the Dem-controlled MI Legislature has gifted with an astounding $950 million in taxpayer incentives and appropriations is a danger and threat to her community.
Lori is fighting back with every tool available to her. When the Soros-funded SOS Jocelyn Benson's office "received a complaint" about the condition of Lori's farm, they turned it into the lawless, Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Lori smartly called out two separate news crews with cameras to film their investigation. The representative from the government agency that was being used to threaten her was embarrassed to be there and immediately gave her beautiful farm a clean bill of health.
Lori is not going to back down. She is the dirty MI government's worst nightmare. Pray for her.

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